You disappoint me - freewrite

in voilk •  6 days ago


    When it comes to relationships, if we have high expectations, we are often disappointed when they are not met.
    We give disappointment and we receive disappointment.
    Sometimes we are disappointed in ourselves.

    If you look at the political sphere these days, it's disappointing to see people fighting with each other, with the people's lives taking a back seat.
    Many people are disappointed with the president they expected, and the president's approval rating is in the late 20s and early 30s.
    So I try to avoid political news as much as possible.

    Parents have high expectations for their children. They expect a lot from their children. They are very disappointed that their children are not filial to their parents after working hard to raise them. They teach their children for their own old age.
    Nowadays, the trend has changed. People don't want to leave their old age to their children. It seems to be right.

    It's not other people who disappoint me, but myself. I'm not good at keeping promises to myself. Whether it's exercise or personal development, there are times when I fall short of my expectations for the things I plan and aim for.

    However, disappointment shouldn"t lead to frustration and depression.

    There's a saying that goes something like, "a resolve that lasts only three days"
    After the third day, you have to renew your determination and work harder. Don't give up.

    Try not to be disappointed in yourself.

    Thank you for reading my post. 😀

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