What was Jesus' occupation before His ministry?

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Review On: What was Jesus' occupation before His ministry?**


    Review On:What was Jesus' occupation before His ministry**
    Mark 6:3

    Thanks... It is once again my pleasure to have a good time studying the word of God, which has to do with having the necessary and required knowledge of truth patterning to our beliefs, which every believer has to have, and that is the reason we need to get it from the right source, as much as Brother Eliseo F. Soriano does.

    So today's review is in the caption, which says, "The occupation of Jesus: was he not a carpenter?" The answer to this question is explained in the following verse in Mark 6:3, in which brother Eli let us understand that within Jesus' first 30 years here on earth, he was actually recognized by the occupation that "Joseph" was doing, which he was actually recognized by Joseph's occupation, based on people's underestimated understanding.

    Hence, with reference made to where Jesus was, who could he be? Being the son of Mary, a brother to Joseph, Simon, Judas, and James, indicates that he was looked upon below as an ordinary man in his 30's without understanding that he is the messiah of all time sent on earth through marry who gave birth to him like a baby without conceiving from his husband, which indicates the redemption God has for the man.

    Hence the message in these verses of the scripture really let us understand that Jesus was actually identified as a carpenter before his recognition over his ministry in his above 30's; furthermore, this scripture let us understand that in terms of the manual setting of labor, Jesus was actually involved in crafting and doing all the art of practical work that has to be done with wood.

    So brethren, the moral lesson within the line of this study is gotten from the kind of life Jesus really subjected himself to by over-showing what humility looks like. Despite being called by God, he still remains humble and loyal in serving in creating craft as Joseph the carpenter does. On the other hand, he displayed that he is not actually after the wealth of the earth, which still indicates the humility that every believer has to fight for just to remain in line with our faith and calling.

    Hence, regardless of the various societies in which we have found ourselves, which may diversify in changing one's faith, there is a need for every believer to understand the reason for being here on earth, which we ought to know is that after sharing the word of God across boundaries in order to win more souls for Christ which gladdens God's mind.

    So brethren, let not forget or fail to understand the message this passage of this scripture has for us over building ourselves in line with diligence and having perseverance in what we are doing, which has to go along with integrity irrespective of where and what we do, we have to apply this evidence to show and define who we are in Christ Jesus.

    Hence, for further understanding, the remark on Jesus has to tell us that Jesus recognition as the carpenter signifies the preparation and the period he spent in learning, which define his ministry, which is made up of humility, trust, and other good approaches he has; hence, in a nutshell, this teaches us that we need to have patience in what we are doing and also have the prepared mind to carry out God's work, which improves our spiritual well-being in line with the kingdom of God at large.

    Moral Lessons


    ●Humility: This teaches us that despite being the son of God, he is still humble to the call, which indicates that we have to seek humility in whatever we are doing, which is in line with the Bible.

    ●Perception: This teaching teaches us not to look after the physical thing before rendering judgment; rather, we ought to be after doing the spiritual perception, which is superficial in spite of what we are seeing physically.

    ●Dignity: Hence, the fact that Jesus Christ manifested in showing that he can do it by taking part in being a carpenter shows there is always dignity in labor, so therefore we have acknowledged the fact that labor has a role to play in bettering our lives when we trust God.

    ●Faith: So we are all reminded not to forget where we are all coming from in respect of reflecting our faith and belief, which Jesus showed us with example despite the skepticism he remains steadfast in his ministry that he was called to deliver on earth.

    ☆Շђคภкร Ŧ๏г ץ๏ยг Շเ๓є☆



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