Spring Garden Update & Mulching - by Sunscape

in voilk •  3 months ago


    We had a lot of nice warm weather this past week, but now three solid days of rain. It was a great chance to get many gardens top-dressed with the leaf compost. The perennial flowers have already emerged, and getting the beds done was essential.


    This is the butterfly and hummingbird garden. Once the nights warm up I will add all the annual flowers. The coleus, salvia, zinnias, snapdragons, and impatiens are all growing in the greenhouse.


    The hellebores are still in full flower while the candytuft, bluebells, and rock cress are just beginning to burst with color.


    When the daffodils bloom I grab the camera and can't help but take their photos. Here are the few varieties that I have in my gardens.


    It is hard to choose a favorite, but I love the white and tangerine daffodil.


    The pile of leaf mulch is slowly getting smaller. My husband and I have been spreading it all week long. Now that it has been raining we had a chance to give our backs a much-needed break.


    I love this cedar tree in the raised bed near our driveway. It has interesting bark and the tiniest little pinecones.


    All the cabbage plants and the Spanish onions are underneath the insect netting. Cabbage moths are abundant in our area, and I am not letting them lay eggs on my brassicas this year.


    The 50 hard-neck garlic bulbs I planted last fall are doing well.


    The tower gardens are outside now since the greenhouse was getting too warm for lettuce and spinach.


    I ended up harvesting all the spinach and lettuce in the hydroponics. Yesterday I started Arugula seedlings in one of the tubs. The next round of lettuce seedlings I have started will all be planted outside. When the days get cooler towards fall, I can start the hydroponics up again.


    The pink Candytuft along the sidewalk is in full bloom and the honeybees are gathering the pollen.

    This post is getting long, and I hope you are having fun preparing your spring gardens for planting as much as I am. Happy gardening everyone.

    Until next time, this is Sunscape
    Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

    3- sun smile.jpg

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