Friday Is Here Again || IAmAliveChallenge #074 || LarryIsAlive || IAmAliveAndThriving || Alive Burning || 24.05.2024

in voilk •  last month

    Friends, alivers, hivians, actifitters, shadow hunters, Larry hunters, lioness and others to numerous to mention, it is the last official working day of the week in the month of May 2024. By extension it mean that we have only one Friday left in this month. How is our targets like, are we meeting up or nearly meeting them? We'll next week will tell it all, so let's keep our fingers cross while working towards the goals.

    Today starts with a clement weather but later change as the rain begins to show the signs of its present. But thank God today is Friday, so feel free to catch some fun, chat up friends and share some love as you widen out. Tomorrow is weekend, do enjoy yourselves!

    #LarryIsAlive Hunt

    Now to the #Larry's hunt.
    Because I am alive and thriving with the weekend mode already activated I went out for Larry's hunt and I am happy that I found Larry in this locations

    Completing Infinitytrafficboost Task
    In this second location I surfed 100 pages to find Larry as seen below


    My #074 IAAC participation for the new year

    I am thankful to @flaxz for this wonderful initiative.

    The four basic points to take part in the #IamAliveChallenge are:

    • Tell the world that you are alive in a video or photo, and publish it on Hive and We Are Alive
    • Use Tags #alive and #iamalivechallenge
      *Share it on Twitter and or LeoThreads
    • Celebrate your victory everyday

    Keep following @bradleyarrow in his trail to be visible and get exposure, join the curation and enjoy the bbh drips.

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    Meet me on Leadsleap to earn from ad viewing when you view up to 10 ad as well as earn ticket.

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    Thank you for your show of love in stopping by my blog, and the good God continue to bless you all. Show some love. Identify with the #visualblock and #aliveprojects

    Do have a blissful #alive and hive #week ahead and #hive on to the moon!! #creativecoin #vyb

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