出租露營車商機無窮 / The business opportunity for renting camper vans is endless

in voilk •  3 months ago







    I've written a few articles discussing camper vans recently because many of my colleagues and friends are into camping, and some of them are getting tired of traditional tent camping. They've started considering camper vans, but buying one outright is just too expensive for regular folks like us. It's already a struggle to maintain a regular vehicle, let alone adding the expenses of a camper van. So, one day while hanging out with a few friends, we came across a camper van rental service that was being promoted, and we decided to check it out.

    Basically, what my friends understood was a camper van rental service. Depending on the level and equipment of the camper van, you could rent one for a day for about five to ten thousand NT dollars. There are about ten or so companies specializing in camper van rentals. When renting, you might need to fill out an online form, agree on the rental period, and return the camper van within the agreed time. Some rental companies even offer various rental packages, such as stainless steel cooking sets, windproof and explosion-proof portable stoves, quilts, pillows, etc., making it convenient for customers to camp without worrying about equipment.

    The approach of this company is that each franchisee invests between 790,000 and 1.39 million NT dollars to join. Together with other franchisees, they collectively own the camper vans. The company recruits customers through its platform. However, if a franchisee wants to use a camper van, they have priority because there are multiple camper vans within the company for convenient scheduling. Doesn't this sound like a sharing platform concept? That's what I thought. It's amazing how quickly businesses come up with new ideas. Some of my friends were quite intrigued by the sales pitch because they deeply understand the needs and pain points of the campers. They asked a lot of sharp and difficult questions, but the sales reps had all the answers. The biggest concern, however, is whether the return on investment could be as guaranteed as the company claims.

    Every now and then, you'd hear congratulatory announcements for closed deals, which definitely tempted those who were wavering to sign up quickly. It's a bit terrifying, to be honest. However, my friends were still level-headed and said they needed to go home and discuss with their families before making a decision. After all, buying a vehicle is not something you decide on a whim. In the exhibition area nearby, you often see beautiful women casting their spells, capturing the attention of passersby. Coupled with the excitement of small giveaways, the companies should easily attract quite a few customers.

    There's an old saying: "Don't go where the crowd is." Recently, there were a few ETFs boasting high dividends that were highly sought after by investors. Many people withdrew money from their bank deposits just to get their hands on these high dividend ETFs, aiming for stable passive income. However, after these ETFs were listed, they didn't follow the typical pattern of new stocks skyrocketing right after listing. Instead, they immediately dropped below their IPO price. This poured cold water on the dreams of investors immersed in high dividend hopes. It's a reminder to be cautious with any investment opportunity.

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