Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - The Five Alive Ruleset

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello all Splinterlands warlocks, I am thrilled to be back active here once again, after a long inactivity with my blogging, I am excited to write here and participate in the Splinterlands weekly challenge. Today, I write to participate in the battle mage secrets weekly challenge and for this week, we have the FAB FOUR as our ruleset. Stay tuned and watch out for my entry here in this battle.


    Before we commence with the battle, we have to briefly discuss the ruleset of the battle we are going to have.

    FAB FOUR: Up to five Units can be used.
    Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round. Using monsters with Flying or Heal is the trick for this ruleset, but if you are unable to choose such monsters, use monsters that have high HP and high damage. Don't keep heal units up front. Shield has a very important role. Using Brighton Bloom as a summoner can help in this ruleset. Keep monsters with Flying in the last positions when the Earthquake has done enough damage to both sides.

    Summoner Used:

    I used the MYLOR CROWLING Summoner which gives all my monsters the thorns ability. This summoner costs 3 mana and it is a level one card, because I was playing brawls, it allowed me to add one Gladius monster. With my line-up, I had four monsters and they were the Fungus Flinger, Quora Towershead, Khmer Princess, and Fungus Fiend. My opponent had four monsters in his lineup, Pelacor Conjurer, Gargoya Scrapper, Celestial Harpy, and Gargoya Devil.

    Battle Rounds

    First: In the first round, all monsters took effect from the summoners respectively by gaining the thorns ability, my opponent's summoner also increased all monster's armor by one. First of all, the Quora Towershead monster with the highest speed attacked the first position monster of my opponent.

    The Gargoya Devil monster attacked and eliminated my Fungus Flinger monster at the first monster after which the martyr effect increased all stats on my Quora Towershead monster. The magic ability of the Pelacor Conjurer monster helped my opponent eliminate the Khmer Princess monster after an attack. At the end of the round, the earthquake ruleset eliminated the Fungus Fiend monster in my last position.

    Round two:

    In this round, the Quora Towershead monster attacked and eliminated two monsters from my opponent's lineup with the aid of the two attack damages.

    Before the round ended, the Celestial Harpy monster was also eliminated by the Quora Towershead monster with the aid of the thorns effect ability from the Mylor Crowling summoner.

    Round three:
    The last round was an easy one and because with just one round of attack from the Quora Towershead monster, I eliminated the last monster in my opponent's lineup.

    That was not a challenging battle for me but I am glad I was able to eliminate all my opponent's monsters. Check out the battle link here

    I hope that you liked and enjoyed my post. Images were taken from Splinterlands website. Also, the ruleset definition and image were taken from Splintercards. com.


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