How To Manage Stress And High Blood Pressure

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Hello hiveleaeners and everyone, how are you doing today? This is another episode of featured content which I have read many articles about.
    Seriously, health is very important…. If you want to enjoy your life on this earth, you have to take care of your health. I love this featured content because it is aligned to my area of specialization. There was no more time left for me to write about my experiences.
    Last two weeks, there was a colleague in the office called Mr Thompson. He was in level 9; he was the richest in that office. He was richer than level 17. This was because he was a businessman, he was into real estate, supplying building materials and farming. His asset was more than #250 million ($250k)- you should know that he was a rich man.
    Toward the end of November 2023, he supplied a building materials of #47 million ($47k) to someone; because they were friends, and his friends said that he would pay all the money before Christmas.
    After he supplied the materials, the customer changed his line; he could no longer have access to call him. He traveled down to the location of his friend, he was surprised that he had already packed out.
    The person that was in-charge of his farming took all the farm machines and agro products worth #20 million ($20).
    His business partner that he used to buy building materials, scammed him an run away with #100 million ($100,000).

    It was a bitter day for all of us because the moment he realized that his business partner had scammed him and ran away. He was immediately admitted to hospital; a few hours later, the Doctor was telling him that his blood pressure was 170/140. The doctor took a room for admission in the clinic. His mind wasn't at rest, he told the doctor, “I have an appointment which I must attend this afternoon. After the appointment, I will come back to the clinic”.
    He went home to take a bath, while he was in his room, his wife heard me shout ‘I am finished’. By the time his wife rushed to the room to check him, he was already in shock. Before getting to the hospital, he gave up and died.
    That was the end of Mr Thompson.

    Why did I share this story?
    I want to let you know that stress and high blood pressure is a killer. You can be eating well and live fine without noticing high blood pressure until you go for a medical check up.
    We all know that the only way you can know that you have high blood pressure is through a check up. Even if your blood pressure is over 180/130 there is no sign for it.
    You might think you are not sick because you jump from one place to another or you did not experience any discomfort or signs of illness in your body.
    I have seen patients that had strokes due to high blood pressure.
    Right now, with the present state of the economy and chaos in the country many people have died of high blood pressure and stress.

    Well! Both high blood pressure and stress work hand-to-hand.
    If there is a rampant sickness that people are not aware of right now, it is high blood pressure and stress.

    Since I understand the what is going on right now, these are what I do to stay healthy:
    Think less: I'm not Mr Nigerian so I cannot start thinking about the whole thing happening right now. If I do that, I endanger myself.
    My friend that is reading this article, no matter what condition you find yourself in, think less. If you put too much in your head and mind, you might develop high blood pressure.

    Medical check up: this is very expensive now; drugs are very expensive. Don't wait until you get sick before you go to the hospital. Those minor medical check-up is not that expensive. Medical check up is very important to you, it makes you know your health status and gives you a clear understanding of your sickness and what to do. I do them often because it is my field, and my friend does it for me free of charge.

    Exercises: there were times I don't sleep at night and by the time I woke up the next day, I felt tired and stressed. Therefore, what I normally do is physical exercises. Such a day, I could play football for hours; by the time I come back from training, eating my food, the next thing is sleep; and I can sleep for 8 hours and even desire to sleep more.
    Therefore exercise makes me sleep very well.
    It was proven that exercise combat diseases such as heart-attack, arteriosclerosis and other heart related diseases.

    Rest and sleep: give yourself rest. Even in my office, I rest. Whenever I feel tired in the office either during the working hours or not; I leave my work, move to staff quarters to rest. If I die in the process, the government will employ someone else. Why would I endanger my life when the work is continuing in my present and absent.

    Eat good food: eat a balanced diet, eat fruits and vegetables. The food we eat is medicine to us. Don't starve yourself…
    The food you eat can determine how healthy you will be. Some of the fruits are good for our body due to the presence of antigens.

    Have time for fun: life is too short. If you know that loneliness could make you overthink, go outside, have fun with friends.
    Hangout whether you are invited or not. I have hung out alone several times.

    Be happy and smiling: there are sadists out there and they are not happy seeing one smiling. Be happy and smiling, don't dwell on your past mistakes or wrongdoing. Do not give chance to worry and anxiety.

    That friend that had done a bad thing to you; forgive him/her before she forgives you. Learn how to forgive and forget.

    I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
    “Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

    Thank you for reading my post.

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