in voilk •  16 hours ago

    IMG_20240927_093736_1~2.jpgADELADE BRIGHTWING.

    hive dividers-10.png

    Oh the joy that filled my heart as I mounted on paper the last steps of this marvelous piece. I had earlier seen a cutie with cupid wings and knew that Brightwing would sooth this character. I just need to change some things in her appearance and add more lengthy feathers. This time, adding the feathers (which I thought up entirely) was stressfree and I'm beginning to think as a result that my sense of angles and composure as an artist is improving. I paid most attention on the body and feathers, never did I notice the face even till I started editing. Next time, I'll work on every part equally and make it rounded, well rounded. .

    Adelade Brightwing.png
    The card

    I did the lineart in blue and went all in on this one since I knew exactly what I was doing, it was fun..


    the next thing I did was trace out the face using my black pen.


    I added the first wing


    ...i touched some part of her body like her bust, second wing and other arms, still with my black pen.


    This my friends is where it starts getting interesting. I added colors to the necessary part, first her top and lower part of her dress..


    ...then I did her hair and part of her wings


    added some red to her hair and something on her face...


    And this is the final point.


    The materials I used while making this sketch are blue, black and red pens from two brands: BIC and SCHNEIDER

    You are more than welcome to stop by any time you feel like it. I promise to always keep you entertained with my art.

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