Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - A Tale of Missed Attacks

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Image from @splinterlands

    Hello everyone, this is my entry to the splinterlands social media challenge for this week. I will be describing one of my battles from the wild league. I used my account @yahuzah which of course is my spl account for all battles.


    Battle Ruleset

    Ruleset IconDescription
    image.pngHeavy hitters : All monsters have the knockout ability
    image.pngSilenced summoners : Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant / use any abilities
    image.pngOdd ones out : Only monsters with odd mana costs may be used in battle

    My enemy's Lineup



    Summoner chosen


    For this battle, I chose the Pyre summoner. Summoners added no advantage or disadvantages in this battle so I just went with the one with the least mana which was 3.


    Battle Tactics

    For this battle we both selected monsters with odd mana costs. One look at the teams and I thought this battle would be quite easy for me because the second and third monsters of my enemy could not attack unless in the first position. The last monster was a cause for alarm because its attack meant the shield from my attacked monsters would be removed.


    For the first position, I selected Ulundin Overseer as my tank. The shield and health of this monster is huge so I hoped it will help.


    Ulundin Overseer in first position


    I selected Grum Flameblade in second position. Grum was even the reason I selected Ulundin Overseer because it would grant Grum the reach ability to attack in the second position.


    Grum Flameblade in the second position

    In third position I selected Djinn Inferno. I chose this so it would attack the health of my enemy directly.


    Djinn Inferno in third position

    In the fourth position, I selected Sand Worm.


    Sand Worm in fourth position

    In the fifth position, I selected Spirit Hoarder for its triage, ability. That ability didn't come into effect because my enemy had no monster who attacked my monsters not in the first position.


    Spirit Hoarder in fifth position

    In the last position, I went with Tenyii Striker who has the sneak ability.


    Tenyii Striker in sixth position


    Battle Details

    Right at the start of the battle, my fear materialized when my enemy's last monster attacked and got rid of my tank's shield. My enemy's sixth monster, War Pegasus attacked my first monster.


    More than halfway through round 1, I killed my enemy's first monster, Venari Markstrat who gave my enemy's second monster +1 stats. Unfortunately, Grum Flameblade finally got the chance to attack but missed.


    At the beginning of round 2, my tank was killed and Grum stepped into first position and my last monster killed my enemy's last monster halfway through the round.

    Again, Grum missed its attack and at this point, I was quite pissed and worried. @abenad your baby Grum really disappointed me in this battle 😠😂. To make this worse, Sand Worm also missed its attack.


    In round 3, I managed to kill my enemy's last monster once again. My enemy's new first monster could have died in this round but again, Grum failed me and missed its attack.


    In round 4, my Grum was killed. At the end of the round, my enemy's first monster, Drybone Barbarian was killed.


    At the start of round five, my Djinn Inferno was killed and Sand Worm stepped into first position. My Tenyii Striker killed my enemy's last monster.


    Attacks from my team and my enemy's only monster were exchanged till my first monster, Sand Worm killed my enemy.



    Here is my battle link. Watch here how I took my enemy to battle and won.


    All images used are from splinterlands.com and splintertools.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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