Attended my son's best friend's birthday, made his friend smile happily with my son's presence

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Assalamualaikum wr wb?
    Hello everyone, how are you, I hope you are fine wherever you are, back again with me here who wants to share a short story from me, I hope we are always in His protection, amen, and today I will tell you about my activities yesterday, yesterday I was a little dizzy because with the work that is always there and I have to do it without a single day, a few days before my neighbor made a birthday party for his daughter, and also invited my two sons, I think it's only natural that he made it a birthday for her daughter because she is her only child, and on her birthday I was confused about what to make a gift for her, and I immediately went to a shop and bought two pairs of clothes for her friend's birthday present, my first son. He is very familiar with him so my son wanted to bring a gift to his close friend.



    I made two gifts at once for his friend, my son was happy when he wanted to come to his friend's event, that day afternoon arrived, right on Friday, because the event was held in the afternoon, in the afternoon I told my son to sleep for a while because it was only the afternoon came to the birthday event, and my son heard what I said, my son was very fast asleep, and I had to wake him up to go to his friend's place, he took a shower and we went on foot, actually his friend's house was next door, because the yard is too narrow, so I had to hold the event at my grandmother's house, which is just a few steps from my house, the weather was very hot but I still had time to take photos of my son and also selfies with my children😀



    And when I arrived at his grandmother's house where a birthday was being held, after I arrived there were so many other children and their mothers also attending the birthday event, and I told my son to give a gift to his friend, his friend was very I was happy when my son came, and his mother told me, that her daughter was very upset and a little angry, she said, and I asked why that happened instead of it being a happy day for her, her mother answered because Brother Adzriel hadn't come yet, she said, I smiled when I heard what his mother said, my son is so precious in his daughter's eyes, that's only natural in my opinion because without days without nights my son and also his friend who is having a birthday always play together, our houses are so close, so they are often together , like a lover who is difficult to separate, right🤣🤭



    There were lots of other children and friends who came, but he only wanted to be with my son, when he wanted to blow out the candles, he invited my son, but my son didn't want to because my son was shy around crowds. That's how a friend will always be there. for us, even a small child knows about this, he was very happy to have my son on his 5th birthday, here we also provide entertainment for children to make the event more exciting, giving an Aqua bottle because nothing else is fine, and turn on the music, when the music stops and Aqua is in the hands of a child, it is the one who has to get up and pop the balloon.



    And looking at what was inside the balloon, it turned out that it was written on a small piece of paper, sing freely as you wish, and the child sang the song Cut the duck goose, yes that is the children's favorite song, generally children like to sing songs. that's not it, and the event was over, we ate and drank cold water which made us a little fresher than before because the weather and the limited space made everyone hot, and the event was over, the children were given snack prizes to take home , and we went home.



    I was so tired from carrying the child, walking and the weather was very hot, after I got home I rested and turned on the fan so that it would be better than before, that's all my short story, I hope you like my post and thank you very much for stopping by. my post.

    Thanks you


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