The ring of insight.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Timmy found himself growing restless. It had been a fortnight since his family's move from Thomas City to the tranquil surroundings of Atlantic View, yet he hadn't managed to forge any new friendships. Nestled amidst a serene forest and the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic View seemed idyllic, but the solitude of their estate, tucked away in the quietest corner of town, left Timmy longing for companionship.

    John had stumbled upon a remarkably cheap offer for an old ranch in Atlantic View online. He seized the opportunity and made the purchase. The ranch, a single-story house with a basement and ample outdoor space, captivated him. With Atlantic View lacking a gym and John being a gym instructor, John envisioned transforming the basement into the town's fitness center.

    Timmy paced the sitting room, shifting from one cushion to another, until he stumbled upon a torchlight on one of them. He toyed with the controls, flicking the light on and off until something came to his mind. The father had said the basement light was bad, but here is a touch—a source of light for the adventure down there. He rose from his seat and made his way towards the staircase leading to the basement. He gripped the doorknob and hesitated at the creaking sound before ascending down the wooden stairs.

    The basement had small, grimy windows with dead flies on the sill. Cracks marred the cemented floor, and the air hung heavy and musty. Startled by the sudden appearance of a mouse darting over his legs, Timmy let out a shriek and stumbled backward, colliding with an obstacle. He directed the torchlight towards the obstacle, and it revealed several large boxes cloaked in layers of dust. He lifted the lid of one of the boxes and was greeted by a thick cloud of dust that stung his eyes. He blinked away the irritation and waited for the dust to settle before daring to peer inside.


    Within the box lay a ring, its gleam rivaling the brilliance of the stars. Timmy stood transfixed, awestruck by its beauty. He contemplated for a moment, then reached out and lifted the ring. As he held it, the ring shone more brightly, emitting a gentle warmth that pulsed in his hands as though it possessed a life force of its own. On it was an inscription engraved: "Feel me and see."

    Timmy slid the ring onto his finger, and a wave of dizziness watched over him. His surroundings dissolved into a haze, and he found himself confronting a world beyond his wildest imagination. Timmy saw scenes of bustling cities shrouded in chaos and fear. He witnessed crowded hospitals overrun with patients, their faces contorted in agony as they battled a mysterious illness that swept through the population like wildfire. He saw streets deserted, businesses shattered, and families torn apart by grief and despair.

    Timmy removed the ring from his finger. With his heart pounding, he bolted up the stairs, only to find the doors slammed shut. Frantically, he pounded on the door, calling out for his mother. Angela heard her son's cries from the laundry room, rushed to the basement door, and yanked it open. Timmy burst out and enveloped her in a tight embrace.

    Angela felt her son trembling in her arms. She wondered what must have transpired in the basement that made her son so afraid. She held him close until his tremors subsided, then gently pulled him away to look into his eyes.

    "Timmy, sweetheart, what happened down there?" Angela inquired, her voice filled with concern.

    "I'm sorry, mom. I went to the basement because I was bored and and..." he swallowed hard.

    "It's okay, Timmy. Take your time," Angela reassured him, her tone gentle and comforting, sensing his hesitation.

    "It was a ring, Mom. I put it on, and then I saw things... things that weren't nice," Timmy explained, his voice choked with sobs as he clung tightly to his mother.

    Angela couldn't shake off the worry about what might have frightened her twelve-year-old son. After soothing him to sleep, she decided to investigate the basement herself to uncover what had troubled him. There, she discovered the open box and the ring. However, unlike when Timmy had seen it, the ring no longer sparkled; it appeared as just an ordinary gold ring with no inscription. Puzzled, Angela picked it up and ascended the stairs, locking the basement door behind her with a key.

    As Timmy and his mother watched the news weeks later, their living room was filled with reports of a new pandemic sweeping across the globe. Timmy's eyes widened in disbelief as he recognized the scenes he had witnessed when he wore the ring playing out before him on the screen. A chill ran down his spine as fear tightened its grip on him.

    "Mom, the ring! The ring!" He exclaimed.

    "What's wrong, sweetheart? What about the ring?" She asked, her voice filled with worry and concern.

    "Mom, the ring. It can see the future. It showed me everything," Timmy explained. "Just watch the TV; you'll see a black man talking about his daughter fighting the pandemic."

    True to Timmy's words, a black man appeared on television, speaking about his daughter's struggle with the pandemic. Angela's eyes widened as she witnessed the validation of her son's claim. She retrieved the ring from her jewelry box and hurried back to the living room, where Timmy was still glued to the news.

    "If this ring possesses the power you say it does, then put it on again. Perhaps it will reveal the cure to this pandemic, and you could be the hero who saves our world," Angela pleaded.

    Timmy took the ring from her, and it started sparkling with the inscription back on it. Angela stood there with her mouth open as her son slid it into his fingers and shut his eyes.

    Timmy found himself immersed in a world of scientific discovery. He saw tireless researchers working around the clock, pooling their expertise and resources in a desperate bid to find a solution.

    "What do you see?" His mother asked, desperate.

    Timmy opened his eyes and removed the ring from his finger. "I saw the solution, Mom. Quick, we need to inform them so they can begin working on it immediately," he exclaimed.

    Angela wasted no time and drove her son to the nearest research center, where Timmy recounted everything he had witnessed to the chief scientist. Initially met with skepticism, the scientists decided to give it a try, realizing they had nothing to lose and were desperate for a solution. Timmy's vision proved to be remarkably accurate. With his insights, they developed a cure, and the pandemic was brought under control.

    Timmy became popular as the brave little boy who saved the world. News of the ring's prophetic abilities spread rapidly, transforming Atlantic View from a tranquil town into a bustling tourist destination. Visitors flocked in from all corners to witness the magic ring and the remarkable boy who possessed the power to wield it. Yet, despite the newfound attention, the origins of the ring remained shrouded in mystery.

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