Pored mora 🌊By the sea 🌊

in voilk •  6 days ago

    Slikam ono što mi treba, malo sunca i plavog neba, parče tišine i talase mora. Da li tražim mnogo? 🌞🥰
    Jednom je jedna slikarka rekla, sve što nemam, ja nacrtam. 🙂
    Tako sam i ja danas...Naslikala sam sebi savršenu plažu, moju oazu mira...🥰🌞
    Evo i postupka...

    I paint what I need, a little sun and blue sky, a piece of silence and waves of the sea. Am I asking a lot? 🌞🥰
    Once a painter said, everything I don't have, I draw. 🙂
    That's how I am today... I painted myself a perfect beach, my oasis of peace... 🥰🌞
    Here is the procedure...


    Skica je bila neophodna, ali samo figure...

    A sketch was necessary, but only figures...


    Zamišljam sebe kako ugadjam svojim čulima, dok me sunce nežno miluje. Kosu mi podiže vetar,a lagane note odzvanjaju u vazduhu. Mislim da je fado, moj omiljeni fado...🎵

    I imagine myself indulging my senses, while the sun gently caresses me. The wind blows my hair, and light notes echo in the air. I think fado, my favorite fado...🎵


    Senke se množe iza mojih leđa. Travke se njišu u ritmu vetra. Guram stopala dublje u vruć pesak, svaka loša emocija se topi kao led...


    Shadows multiply behind me. The grass sways to the rhythm of the wind. I push my feet deeper into the hot sand, every bad emotion melts like ice...


    Da, to sam ja, zarobljena u svoje misli i osećanja. Moj dan,samo moj...

    Yes, that's me, trapped in my thoughts and feelings. My day, only my...

    Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

    Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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