The Importance of Waiting: Saying No to Sex on the First Date #week208

in voilk •  last month

    When it comes to the question of having sex on the first date, my answer is a clear no. Not because I'm not sexually active but also because i don't want sex to be the first idea of basis when it comes to relationship. I have several reasons Here are some reasons

    1. Building Trust: Trust takes time to build and i really want to know whether you love me or you just want to have sex with me. I can't know someone intentions instantly except i have spent months together and through his behavior and attitude towards me, i would definitely find out. Jumping into bed on the first date might rush things, and you might not feel as safe or comfortable with someone you barely know. One thing i know about sex is that, it's better when you have it with someone that trusts you and you akso trust them back.

    2. Emotional Connection: Sex is more meaningful when there's an emotional connection. I can't think of myself having sex with someone that i barely have connection with, i have to be very close to the person from knowing them personally to the point we are so close and finally having sex. One thing about developing this connection is that it takes time and effort, which isn't possible on a first date where you're just beginning to know each other.

    3. Respecting Yourself: Setting boundaries shows self respect. Saying no to sex on the first date means you value yourself and you didn't come to the date for merely pleasure but you have future plans for you and your potential partner. When you respect your boundaries and which means you respect yourself definitely your partner will respect you because no one will ever respect you, if you don't respect yourself first.

    4. Avoiding Regret: Decisions made in the heat of the moment can lead to drastic regret later. Because i have met people that had sex the first date and they never get to meet the guy again because the giy has had what he wanted and the guy doesn't have true intentions for her. Waiting allows you to be sure about your feelings and decisions as well as the feelings and decisions of your potential partner. Just that single night pleasure can ruin a lot of things and you might eventually get pregnant when you're still struggling to put food on your table.

    5. Reducing Pressure: A first date is already full of nerves and excitement because this is the first time you're going out with someone you have planned in your head that you will marry. Adding sex to first date excitement can create unnecessary pressure and stress because you might not know if hwta you're doing is right or wrong at that point until you have seen the repercussions.

    A personal story concerning having sex on the first date

    A while ago while was still in college, a really nice guy asked me out. He seemed charming and interesting when we first met and i was already planning and happy at the same time because it was the first time i was been asked out in college and i was really excited about the outcome of whatever plans we have for eachother. so I agreed to go on a date with him. To be honest, it was my first date and we had a nice dinner, laughed a lot, and genuinely had a good time. As the evening came to an end, he suggested we go back to his place. He made it clear he wanted to have sex and he said he wanted me to know his true intention and to be honest, i was shocked.

    I felt a rush of emotions, i was feeling several emotions at that point, i was nervous, i was also confused, and also disappointed because i didn't feel ready to take that step with someone I had just met, someone i barely know. I kindly told him that I wasn't comfortable with having sex on the first date, he was angry at first and i could see his facial reaction and he decided to cover it up with a fake smile.

    I was really not happy because i thought we had same plans. After faking his smile, he told me i should pay for the food i ordered and i didn't argue because i already knew the intention he had for me and immediately i paid for it and while paying, he left me alone there and i ordered my ride and went home and truly i was disappointed my first date didn't go well as planned.

    Finally, Having sex on the first date is a personal decision, if you believe the person won't leave you after having sex, then go for it but if you think otherwise, endeavor not to do it because it will hurt you.

    Thanks for reading 😊✨🩷

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