Data Management In The World Today

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Happy new week, my prayer for you today is that all work well for you and that your wishes come true. Just be strong enough to take decisions when you need to.

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    Even before I was born government has been on a practice of collecting people's data. A new Borns data is collected at the hospital and documented so that they will be able to give proper account of many births that occured within their premises, also a death record is often collected so we know how many that died. All these data helps government in making informed decisions that will affect her citizens in one way or the other.

    In the late 90's this data collection was working so well because at that time anyone that graduates from the university is being treated with much care and given opportunity to choose where to work and is also given a car which makes education so attractive at that time.

    Government collects data of those that come into the country, and these data helps to know who and who to hold responsible when things are happening.

    As time progressed things began to change that the only daTa government and it's officials collect is in other to use it for their selfish interest which makes it so heart breaking, some times when they come to my house I insist with theme because I have given true information severally and they never returned with their promise.

    Government after some years do what is called census so as to have a general knowledge of those in the country, it should be that we are not suffering in this country because our government knows so well the number of her citizens and where they are leaving but the reverse is the case. Many things are not working well but the government claims that she have the data of here citizens. Also through the day collected from SIM registration they can tell where each person is at anytime. My pain now is terrorism got to the root of this country and they claim that they don't know where these people are. At some point they go ahead to negotiate with these bandits, what on earth are you discussing with someone you know fully well wants to distroy your life. Kai, it is a shedy deal. Few years back there was this civil defence officer who some 419 guys went and stole from her POS shop. Do you know that within 2 hours these guys where discovered because they tracked them with the phone number they registered at the shop. But if it's for a commoner, you will never trace them. See how many times people complain of money been moved from their account to another account, the bank officers will say there is no way to recover it, severally I have heard of how an officer recovered his money because of the high information they get.

    Also the information we submitted are being bought by different organisations and a times these 419 people buy data of people and keep disturbing them with calls, have you ever wondered how they get your number to call, and even give little details about you? That's the way.

    One good thing that can happen if my data is there is, the government can use it to locate me when they need to share something to the citizens which I have not seen for now. And the downside of it is there is no proper care of people's data that is uploaded. Anyone comes and use it the way he wishes

    About making people's data private I don't know so much because that's not my area of interest. But to add my voice to this I will say, the government should just come up with sincere measure to guide who have access to people's data and who don't have access to it. The data they have already can guide them in making informed decisions for her citizens.

    My entry to hive learners contest week #111 and the 1st edition.

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