My Actifit Report Card: February 24 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello everyone today is a very special day coz there's no electricity here for the whole day 😂 Just kidding it's not that but there's a motorcycle endurance event happening today which my friend photographer told me about. Since there's no electricity today so I have no other fun things to do so why not right?




    I've got some really decent shots, nothing too fancy but I love them all the same. I really wanted to try that very hard panning skill but alas as I just said... It's quite hard as a newbie 😅 For a while everything went quite smoothly. Although the motorcycles where far away from each other so every time pass by we have to wait a couple minutes before the next one arrives. The longest wait we endured was like 15 minutes I guess that there were no activity 😅


    I was planning to only take pictures of the motorcycle event participants but then this guy came along and posed for me. I know this guy and is a friend of mine plus an avid follower of mine as well 😁 So I just had to take it in. I didn't want to but it's fine to make an exemption for a friend right? 😁



    Just as it was starting to get fun, the weather just slammed at us with a rain 😅 That took out the buzz out of us honestly. It rained for a good 30 minutes I guess then it stopped...


    After the rain I stopped for a while, probably around an hour if I'm not mistaken and then it just ran through really. It just rained for an entire hour so I decided to just call it quits. My friends stayed coz it's their job since they were sponsored to do it (unlike me who has no sponsors 😭)

    So that's it really for me today. It rained and then stopped and then rained so yeah a very disappointing day for me. I wanted to go back and take more pictures but the weather is meh...

    Anyways guys this is all for me today. I hope you enjoyed the photos. Till next time 😁
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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