Musa and her need to drink from the faucet 😹✨[ENG/SPA]

in voilk •  5 months ago




    Musa my dad's kitty now has a habit of drinking from the faucet, sometimes she stands there by the faucet crying or just watching the faucet being turned on so she can quench her thirst.

    The cat has her own container of water that is changed regularly, but it is next to her food and for some reason she sometimes drinks from places other than that, only when she has no choice but to go out or has just eaten.


    Musa la gatita de mi papá tiene ahora el hábito de beber del grifo, a veces se queda allí al lado de este llorando o simplemente observando te para que le abran la llave y así ella poder saciar su sed.

    La gata tiene su propio envase con agua que le es cambiada regularmente, solo que está al lado de su comida y por alguna razón a veces suele beber de otros lugares menos de ese, allí es solo cuando no tiene opción para salir o acaba de comer.





    This habit of drinking from the faucet was formed since my dad planted some plants that for some reason were eaten by the chickens hahaha, then I used to water them to recover them and the cat would peek out and calmly drink water. Now it makes me a little uncomfortable because she makes a fuss just to get the faucet open and how can I refuse that little animal hahaha I am weak before her.

    I wanted to take a picture of her when she was crying but she wouldn't leave me alone until I turned on the faucet so she could drink, her kittens were also mad at her and I guess that's why she was so stressed and crying that she ended up making me give in.

    Este hábito de beber de la llave lo formó desde que mi papá sembró algunas plantas que por alguna razón se comieron las gallinas jajaja, entonces solía regarlas para recuperarlas y la gata se asomaba y tranquilamente bebía agua. Ahora se me hace medio incómodo porque arma escándalos solo para que le abran la llave y como yo me voy a negar a ese animalito jajaja soy débil ante ella

    Quería retratarla cuando estaba llorando pero no me dejó tranquila hasta abrir para que ella pudiera beber, sus gatitos también estaban necios con ella y supongo por eso su estrés y su llanto que terminó haciendome ceder.




    I even made a pretty cute video, I love the image where she is sticking out her tongue and a drop of water falls, I thought it was super cool and that's why I wanted to share it. I hope you like it, have a nice day

    Hasta hice un vídeo bastante lindo, me encanta la imagen donde está sacando su lengua y cae una gota de agua, me pareció súper genial y por eso quise compartirlo. Espero les guste, tengan lindo día



    Text translated at DeepL translate
    Image edited by me in Polish
    images of my property

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