Martial Law in Texas

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Police and military are seizing property and questioning locals of Eagle Pass. A midsize town takes the spotlight for a contentious political debate unfolding amidst a critical presidential election. Daily Mail reports, "Migrants have overwhelmed nearly every sector in Eagle Pass."

    As I previously reported in Civil War Camouflage:

    For those who live in the constitutional free zone known colloquially as the "border with Mexico," the immigration crisis is nothing new. Oftentimes, citizens of Laredo Texas(amongst other communities) become convenient political backdrops for aspiring politicians.

    The number of illegal immigrants crossing through the border is at a staggering 7.5 million in this administration alone. This is a multi-decade issue unfolding, intensifying and purposefully obfuscated by political theater. In 2023 alone 3.2 million illegal crossings were recorded. This is a massive influx of migrants that are taking advantage of Biden's policy failure at the southern border.

    As the tug of war between Democrats & Republicans continues in Congress and the Senate public outrage nationwide is becoming surreal. Majority of Americans view the situation at the border as an invasion by millions of desperate people, criminal elements and foreign agents.

    Despite the Biden Administration's effort to curb millions of illegal crossings since last year with ..."more than 2.2 million arrests at the U.S.-Mexico in the 2022 fiscal year." A growing number of dissatisfied Americans believe the "invasion" of the United States is not a simple policy blunder but a purposeful agenda intended for population replacement.

    In response to the seemingly ineffectual response by the Federal government thousands..."from South Dakota and North Carolina, Washington and Pennsylvania," spontaneously assembled to defend against the supposed invasion.


    The gathering on Saturday (February 3rd) marked the final stop of a days-long journey: a convoy of conservative Americans who drove to the border to demonstrate their frustration, fear and anger over what they saw as a broken immigration system. --New York Times

    The boisterous dissatisfaction of Americans is inflamed by partisan rhetoric, obfuscated by media narratives and conveniently exploited by corporate interests. Behind the headlines are the "Israeli high-tech firms outfitting the US-Mexico border." As well as the self-serving politicians using the spotlight to consolidate their political campaigns and pass the blame unto their political opponents.

    Beyond the Headlines

    As this story unfolds the consideration for the local communities' interests are often ignored for the sake of partisan driven narratives. The silent tragedy ignored by both parties is the outgrowth of totalitarian technocracy instituted by Federal & State powers.

    Protesters gather in downtown Eagle Pass in opposition to Texas Gov. Abbott's visit to Shelby Park.jpg

    Residents in [Eagle Pass] Texas have revealed how police and National Guard troops have taken over - seizing their properties as migrants' trash lines the streets. --DailyMail

    Though this is not the only example of issues arising from Gregg Abbott's Lone Star Operation it poignantly marks the apogee of a long-standing sociopolitical conflict which media commentators aptly dubbed Civil War 2.0.

    Pursuing this story beyond the headlines reminds us that the totalitarian technocracy is the ultimate objective behind the political theatrics. Through each administration the hardware of the matrix is gradually installed as a centralized mechanism of command & control. Every national crisis offers an opportunity for the regime to solidify its power.

    We Americans today have created a [technocratic] system that can be used against us to crush our liberties -- and a progressive totalitarian-therapeutic culture that will insist on it for our own good. -The American Conservative

    Sensationalism in the midst of this confusion promotes the Civil War narrative, however we are far from actually challenging the status-quo. We are catapulted into inaction and infighting by the regime itself. By choosing a side, a power outside of ourselves we enable the Civil War Camouflage; effectively locking ourselves in an open-air prison.

    The origin to this tragic story begins at the multinational level, and stops at the local level with decentralized communities deciding their own destiny.

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