The aftermath just enjoy it with Motivational Mondays

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Hello to all you wonderful Hivians

    It's a Monday in April, Spring is allegedly finally here!

    Although looking at Twitter and Hive over the last few days it seems there has been a bloodbath!

    Mind you it is not only the cryptoworld that is seeing a bloodbath and red.

    So perhaps this my time to comfort you and motivate you with something else. If not your token to the moon then the actual fluffing moon!


    If you have not been through a couple of crypto seasons then I feel for you. What gets me is some alleged crypro experts that have been in the space for 8 plus years and been through more than one cycle posting they got liquidated and lost thousands.

    Please leave me alone that is not someone who has learned that is someone who is a right greedy so and so.


    Everyone knew we were in unchartered waters this time. The Bitcoin halving is days away, but added to this we had Bitcoin ETFs, this has not happened before.

    We have cryptocurrency becoming more and more institutionalized!


    Things happen and this massive dip is par for the course. Just don't panic, is my advice, just like life, jus't don't panic.

    You know that more often than not, things turn out just fine.

    Where is the joy in life if it is all smooth sailing!

    Naw we need some excitement in life to get our veins pumping!


    That red on the cute robin is all the red I want to see. Putin has been doing his best to take over Europe and now his tentacles are in the Middle East, sending warships and don't tell me he isn't involved with his new best mate Iran.


    Everything is so slippy we don't need to slip when we are dancing the life dance!

    But these pictures are mine.

    I shall tell you a wee story.

    I joined Hive 2 and a half years ago, with the intention of documenting stories and my photographs, and buying food for the animals that I feed.

    I wanted to buy a camera to do that. So I managed to buy a Canon HS 70 Powershot funky camera and I have a monthly subscription for bird food, both duck & swans and garden type birds.


    Not I hasten to add this thug above.

    We live on the coast and seagulls are a pest. They divebomb you and take you food. Tourists are the worst as they eat outside and you will see discarded food wrappers after the gulls have had their fill!

    But these are pictures that I wanted to be able to take with my camera and by staying on Hive!


    Things happen for a reason, even in a bloodbath!

    Over the weekend I did some studying of the markets, and grabbed TIA at 8.60, not long later I sold at 10.40 a tify profit in a bloodbath!

    So stay calm and don't give up on anything.

    Steady as she goes and you will make it.


    We all will make it!

    I do love motivating people, but you know I don't really see it as motivating, it is more encouraging. As my mother told me when I was little, Edward no matter how bad you think your life is or things are, there is always always someone somewhere who is worse off than you!

    So let's enjoy the bumpy ride of crypto together!


    This post is for the themed days in FreeCompliments community and today is Motivational Mondays on the FreeCompliments Community!


    Thanks for visiting and I wish you all a terrific rest of your week.

    All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.


    Haste Ye Back!

    @tengolotodo April 15th 2024

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