Healing and maybe a return to normal?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    In a dramatic shift since Thursday when I'd gone to see my surgeon... I seem to be... dare I say it? I seem to be better? Or, at least, getting better rapidly. Enough that for the first time in a year, I was able to comfortably sit in a car and drive myself to the office.

    We rarely have office days, but with one of the head honchos in town, it was important to get into the office and listen to what he had to say. Seems like we've got some really cool projects coming up that ought to provide some quick and easy cash inflows for us. Which is always a win. More money for the business means we can afford more folks on the team, and that's good for everyone.

    So, I managed to drive myself, attend the day of meetings and free lunch, and then drive back home through a stupid April snow/rain storm. Gotta love that sleet. Being the first time I've been behind the wheel in a good long time, that was a little stressful - but besides two other drivers who were idiots, the trip went smoothly.

    I'm really excited by this as it means that maybe I'm out of the woods and that once I finally finish healing, I won't have to undergo any more surgeries... which would be great. There is still a chance that one more surgery exists in my future, but we should know within the month if that's the case. So far, so good... so I'm hopeful for the first time in almost 6 years that I'll soon be done with doctors and surgeons (for a while at least, I am almost 40 lol).

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