Getting accused falsely

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Yesterday, I had made a post talking about my colleague back in the day stealing from my boss and how his stupidity had gotten him caught. When making that post about stealing, my mind took me back to another event where I was accused of wanting to defraud a friend of my boss of his money, an accusation I didn't take likely.

    Photo by Peter Forster

    On one faithful evening at work, a friend of my boss who also happens to be the father of a female classmate of mine had sent me on an errand. I don't exactly remember what it was he wanted me to buy for him but I remember going exactly to the shop where he had directed me to and asking them if they had the product, which they did, the only surprising thing was the price of the product.

    You see, I always do this thing where whenever I'm being sent on an errand, I always ask the price of the product and ask if I should still get the product if the price the people at the shop tells me is a bit higher than that the person wanting to buy the product thinks it is. So when my classmate dad (let's call him Paul) had sent me on that errand, he had assured me that the price he told was the exact price that the product was being sold for because he recently bought it at the same store.

    So when I got to the shop and the people were saying something else, I had done the only thing I could do, I had turned back and told Paul that the price of the product had increased, expecting him to add to the money he had earlier given to me, so that I could go get the product for him but Paul had refused, he wasn't going to pay any more penny for that product, so I had returned back his money and went back to work.

    Fast forward to the next day and I'm at work, doing what should be done, when my boss suddenly brought up the whole thing that happened yesterday with Paul. According to my boss, Paul had decided to go back to that same store earlier that morning and the people there had sold that same product to him at the exact same price that he had given to me the previous day, so basically Paul had reported me to my boss, saying that I wanted to steal from him.

    The moment I heard that, my blood began to boil. I swore to my boss that that wasn't the case and was ready to go back to the shop with Paul just to prove my innocence and that was what happened. Apparently, both my boss and Paul had earlier agreed to me taking Paul back to the shop, so that they could catch me red-handed in my lie.

    Well, when Paul eventually arrived at my place of work, I had immediately approached him, asking him to please follow me to the shop, which was what he did. The moment we got there, I had walked straight to the young lady I had met the previous night and asked her the same question I had asked her the previous night, to which she gave me the same response she had given to me the previous night, therefore proving me right.

    Immediately she responded, I angrily left the shop, leaving Paul behind and making sure he knew that I was pissed off. As expected, by the time he got to my place of work, he couldn't apologise, he just sat there and pretended like nothing happened and that was probably the last time I went on an errand for Paul.

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