Needlework: Day 3🧶 of Preps for My First Stall

in voilk •  2 months ago

    (Edited with Fotoplay)
    Hey guys! 👋
    I hope you're all doing great!✨

    Guess what, my packages arrived😋, and I wait to come back home and see my stuff.
    I had bought these yarns, and in love with them🥰. All colours were so fresh and alive. Now there are some which I actually don't know how I'm gonna use and I think I'll decide that later.

    Then the other thing were these empty keychains. I bought 2 packets of 50 pieces (I mean a total of hundred keychains). They were fine too, but the chains are just 3, I mean length wise it looks smaller. But I hope it would go well with everything.
    Actually I tried to attach something to them but they were damn strong, I couldn't open the ring. I think I need tools for them, and my brother is a best resort for that kind of stuff😅.

    Remember these lavenders? I made them previously, but they were not giving the vibes, and for the fact that now I have the pistachio green, that I've been eyeing on for a really long time I couldn't resist myself to switch them with new ones. It was definitely hard to make these too, took lots of effort, but I want to deliver my best for my special day.

    And all these flowers were given stems. It was really tiring and took my whole day. Literally I did nothing other than this, today was a off from university too, so it occupied completely.

    And I think efforts were worth doing. Because I mean look at them🌝

    Okay the second thing that I did, was making face of these amigurumis. I made these 2 and had thought to record the process of the 3rd one, these look fine.

    But what's that?😭
    It looks kinda autistic!

    And it happens every time when I try to record my work. It feels like I know nothing.
    So just undid everything over it, and put it a side for a better day for it.

    Alright that was all for today!
    See ya guys again!
    Take care 💕
    Bye bye 🥰🌺

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