Trendy Home designs at Ikea

in voilk •  3 months ago

    With extra time on my hands, I checked out the IKEA store to find a replacement for my old pillow. This is the store where many of my home decor and furniture are from. Even my towels were bought at IKEA because the quality is good and the price is quite okay too.

    Of course, since I'm already in the store, I also checked out the latest home design trends that IKEA is showcasing right now. They have a variety of mock-ups in their showrooms that everyone is welcome to see. For me, these mock-ups are educational because they allow me to pick up design ideas and color combinations through actual applications. Let me share some of the photos that I took during my tour around the showroom.

    How I wish that I had more money to scan those bar codes so I could bring them home with me, hehe. That's the cool thing about IKEA showrooms, the items that were showcased have item tags with them for anyone interested to buy. I would say that it's a great marketing strategy because the customers may experience the furniture and decor personally and be able to check thoroughly before they can buy it.

    The IKEA showroom also allows people who don't have interior design experience to get an idea of what kind of room design they would prefer.

    There was a specific toilet & kitchen design that I liked because of the contrast and overall feel of the design. Let me share it as well.

    My tour of the showroom was fast but it was more than enough to buy the things that I needed and to learn new design ideas. Cheers!

    Curamax Footer.jpg

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