Life As An Evolving Experience

in voilk •  3 months ago

    If history always repeats itself, it is because life happens in cycles. Each cycle can be different from the other, but it is generally the same cycle on a macro level. Every spring season is different, but it is still the same spring season.

    Socrates is attributed with the popular saying; the unexamined life isn't worth living. He believed that self-examination and reflection are essential for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

    What's interesting to me about reflecting on one's own life is that many aspects of it that were confusing at best begin to make sense now, as if what was un-obvious before has now become obvious.

    Of course, just reflecting on one's life will not bring comprehension of one's life. But it will reveal a wealth of information that could be used to make better sense and navigate through the whole experience of life.

    Unlocking Patterns Through Reflection

    For instance, in my own life, it has become obvious to me now on why I'm drawn to artistic pursuits and how I've not really being able to immerse myself in them.

    The pattern is there, every time an opportunity for artistic pursuits comes along, an obstacle also comes along, guarding the door from being unlocked by me.

    Previously, I didn't register it as an obstacle that could be solved, but merely an impenetrable wall, unbending to my will or wishes.

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    Now that I see things differently, I'll have my sword ready when the dragon stands on my way again. This is the essence of reflection, to perceive things differently.

    You recognize a pattern(s) in your behavior or the situations you encounter. And this recognition empowers you to make a choice: either succumb to the familiar cycle, or leverage this newfound awareness to find a way to break free and evolve.

    Unlike our traditional school system where we first have the lessons then take the test, life works backwards in this regard, the test comes first then the lessons. That's how many of us view it.

    Self-examination mostly happens when we haven't done well in much of the test of life. This is also what usually triggers it, for when we're doing well, we tend to relax and coast, complacency sets in, and the drive to examine ourselves gradually fades away.

    It's during the bumps and roadblocks that we're forced to re-evaluate and strategize. This 'forced' reflection and self-examination becomes a foundation to learn the lesson(s) from the test of life, a chance to adjust our approach for the next upcoming challenge.

    Life is full of surprises, and new challenges will inevitably arise. So this also keeps us adaptable and better prepared for whatever comes next.

    Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.

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