in voilk •  4 months ago

    Wealth is a gift from God, but God partners with faithful men who have understanding of the principles of investment and wealth creation to reveal His blessings upon His people. These principles must be Bible based for Christians.Godly men must stick to these biblical principles to please God.Prosperity is blessing also from God.

    Moses taught the Children of Israel the source of wealth. He
    made them understand that God is directly connected to prosperity, when he wrote:

    You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish his covenant that He swore to your fathers, as it is this day (Deuteronomy 8:18).

    From the above scripture, we can confirm that first God is the Source of wealth. Secondly, wealth is a gift. Thirdly, God's gift is purposeful and is covenant related. God laid the foundation of this with the Patriachs. He made a promise of blessings to Abraham.

    I will bless you…in you all the families of earth shall be blessed (Gen.12:3 KJV).

    Here is the covenant and purpose of God in prosperity.To bless and make the recipient a blessing to others -all the families of the Earth.Wealth is to have a global impact!In Isaac, God expanded the principle in Gen 26:1-5,12-14. God connected His blessing with obedience and service of Isaac's father.

    I will do this because your father Abraham obeyed me.He did what I said and obeyed my commands,my teachings, and my rules Gen.26:5 (New Century Version).

    Further in v 12-14 , Isaac sowed that year and reaped a hundred fold, and the Bible says. "The LORD blessed him very much and he became rich. He gathered more wealth until he became very rich man...that the Philistines envied him" (New Century Version). Similarly,
    Jacob's experience shows that God reveals business secrets that prospers those who trust Him (Gen. 30:25-33,43;31:9-1).

    Wealth is a gift and blessing from God for a purpose. To keep His promise or covenant and that others will be blessed. If anyone becomes selfish and hoards wealth or became unfaithful to God in tithes and offering or fails to invest (sow), he should hot expect to get rich and retain it. Our attitude and understanding of wealth must be Bible based to be sustainable. Pride and selfishness (forgetting God) turns a rich man to a fool (Luke 12:13-21). For wealth to serve God's purpose and be sustainable, it should be shared with neighbours.

    Cf (Prov.10:22; Eccl. 11:2).


    What practical ways do you think that wealth can be created to benefit the less privileged in the household of faith first and then others?


    Good health it is said is Wealth. The need for godly men to take care of their health cannot be over stressed. Among several reasons, a careful health management pleases the LORD. In 3 John 2, the scriptures reveal show God is passionate about our health.

    ...I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health.…." (KJV).

    To be in health good health requires careful creative health management system for the men and their neighbours. Without any cause, many are in bondage and are suffering. God is calling for men who will stand for and speak out for those who will have no one to help them. From the time of Cain that murdered his brother without a cause, God will always make laws and provisions for the vulnerable. Social justice is the idea of creating a fair and equitable society for all individuals, regardless of their social, economic, or cultural background. It involves ensuring that each person is treated with dignity and respect and that equal access to resources is provided to all. It also implies challenging social inequalities and addressing the root causes of systemic discrimination to create a more just and equitable society: It encompasses issues such
    inequality: discrimination, and human rights as poverty, abuses. Social justice advocates believe that all individuals deserve equal opportunities and that society should provide the necessary resourced to achieve this goal.

    Social Justice System is generally the provision of structures or institutions, laws,and policies that promote and uphold social justice. God demonstrated that He hears the cry of the oppressed people and always responds to it (Ex.3:7-10). God empowered Moses to set up such laws in the nation of Israel. Even when fasting, God spoke about the fasting acceptable to him is to promote social justice (Isaiah 56:6-7). When we promote Social Justice in the society, it pleases God. Jesus began His ministry by announcing that He was anointed to set at liberty those that are oppressed (Luke 4:14-18; Exodus 3-:14; Deuteronomy 34). Jesus Christ set them free (Luke 4:14-18; Psalms 82:3,4; Isaiah 1:17).


    What can a local Church Men's Ministries or individual men do to champion the cause of Social Justice that
    will have a global impact?


    Faithful Stewardship and Godly virtues go together. The first
    could be described as "being responsible" and accountable to God and man, in the "wise management of resources, gifts, time, and talents that have been entrusted" to an individual by God. It involves recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God, and being accountable to Him for how we use those gifts. A faithful steward is someone who is committed to serving others, honouring God, and using their resources and skills for God's purposes. This includes responsible management of finances, property, and relationships, and using gifts and talents to glorify God and benefit others. Ultimately, faithful stewardship is about seeking to use everything we have to point others to Christ, and to bring glory to God in all that we do.It refects our love and devotion to our Master; who has entrusted us with His resources and calls us to use them in a way that pleases Him and impacts others for good.

    Joseph presents a good example of a faithful steward by being responsible in the prudent management of resources in Potiphar's house (Genesis 39:2-6 and later the whole nation of Egypt (Genesis 41:41-44). This later had a global impact for "all the earth came to Egypt” v.57 (ESV). Faithful stewardship includes faithful service, generosity, accountability, integrity, generosity, integrity and good management of time. The Bible clearly teaches that it is required of a steward that a man be found faithful (1 Corinthians 4:2; Luke 16:10-12).


    From the study of life of faithful stewardship in the life of Joseph what do you think the local church Men's Ministries should do to promote faithful steward among pastors, Deacons, Elders and business men in the marketplace?

    Exclusive publication of the General Council of Assemblies of God Nigeria


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