A feast for the eyes_My Actifit Report Card: March 9 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    A feast for the eyes

    If we enjoy traveling, it is actually a way to refresh our heads through our eyes when we want to see that everything is pleasant and beautiful.

    The expansive natural paintings, the plants with colorful flowers, the animals that we find, if we see them as forms of uniqueness and beauty of the wonders of God's greatness, then it will make us feel comfortable.

    Remember the saying, don't travel if you are sad and find it difficult to smile, because it will be difficult for us to see that everything actually has a beautiful meaning.

    Memanjakan mata

    Perjalanan jika kita nikmati sebenarnya merupakan cara untuk menyegarkan kepala melalui pandangan mata saat kita mau melihat segala sesuatu itu menyenangkan dan indah.
    Lukisan alam yang terbentang luas, tetumbuhan dengan bunga warna warni, hewan hewan yang kita dapati, jika kita memandangnya sebagai bentuk keunikan dan keindahan akan keajaiban kebesaran Tuhan, maka itu akan membuat kita merasa nyaman.

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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