Pictures of Spain before World War I (Part One)

in voilk •  2 months ago


    These are not photos taken with this Polaroid Land 320 camera from 1969.
    They are not photos taken by me. They are photos taken before the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912.
    Images that reflect the ochre of the printing technique, of analog photography, but with a quality that surprises and that has been maintained over the years. Photos that date back to long before the First World War in 1914.

    Friends, today I will share with you a collection of photos, taken before 1904, by the Keystone View Company, USA, and that reflect a part of the history of Spain.

    Having these vintage photos is something I value very much. Talking about them will be the epicenter of this post.



    Jerez, southern city of Andalusia, is well known worldwide for its wines. The wines of Jerez are the fruit of generations that took advantage of the local soil conditions to achieve and maintain the growth of grapes, from which these famous wines of Spain are made.

    It is a cultural pride aged for more than a century: the Marco de Jerez, and its dedication to leave as a legacy the quality of its wines. Something that gives it the seal of international fame, for its variety, its well-marked flavors that please all tastes. From dry to sweet wines.



    A place where nowadays, the glasses of wine are tradition, while at an outdoor table, you delight your ears with the music of a native flamenco, and a portion of olives as snacks.

    In the previous photo, the gentlemen reflect in their faces the satisfaction of giving the women a taste of their precious liquid.



    But the tradition of Andalusia is not only limited to wine. Bullfighting has been a place of entertainment for many people over the years. The Plaza de toros de la Maestranza, with an irregular polygonal shape, is the protagonist of the photo and was erected at the end of the XVIII and beginning of the XIX century.

    The Maestranza de Caballería are the owners of the bullring, being a business where families who appreciate the harmony that is established between the person with his horse, called Equestrian Art, together with the breeding and proper selection of bulls for the bullfights.

    In Spain, Tauromaquia has become Cultural Heritage, but personally, I would not feel good in a place like this, seeing how the brave bulls are made to suffer. Those males that are used in those shows where the collective adrenaline flows in torrents.



    But let's take a tour to the oldest palace in use in Europe, the Real Alcazar of Sevilla. Walled place that was built since the Middle Ages as a means of defense.

    It is a beautiful construction, where different architectural styles are reflected. It has more than 90 rooms if you wish to rent, and feel the rich experience of feeling a centuries-old history, beating in each of its walls and surroundings.

    The Ambassadors Hall, was the main center of the palace, where the most illustrious personalities were invited by the king Don Pedro I.
    In the upper part, there are paintings representing the different monarchs of those ancient times.

    It is a beautiful place, where art can be seen from the floor to the ceiling. Very crowded with tourists, being the spring months, the ideal time to visit. It also has certain free days of payment.


    To be in the Alcazar Gardens is to feel the magic of a natural environment in contact with man, for the achievement of mind-body harmony. The more than 100 species of plants that rest there, give it a beauty worthy of admiration.



    When we talk about a Gothic temple, we must always keep in mind the Cathedral of Seville. Legendary and ancient place that condenses other styles in its architectural design.

    Its drawings, sculptures, the Giralda with its bell tower, stained glass windows, the Patio de los Naranjos and its library, give the cathedral an atmosphere where gravitates a mystical feeling that energizes visitors.



    In the next photo, you can see the patio of a house, where those imposing railings were made by modeling a well-delineated design, with wide arches.

    In the final photos, you can see the enjoyment of the locals in Sevilla, who after their working day in the vineyards, take time to dance and enjoy life.

    If there is one thing Spain has, it is that you don't live to work, you work to live, and to enjoy life, between glasses of wine, snacks and its historical and cultural legacy.

    Thanks to those who read me. I wish you a good day.



    Own photos. Camera: Panasonic Lumix model DMC-ZS100

    Text divider. Free use from @eve66
    Text by Andrés Brunet

    LinkedIn cover.jpg


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