Selfies con mi pareja en Choroní | Selfies with my partner in Choroní 🥰🏖️✨

in voilk •  4 months ago


    ENGLISH 🇺🇸

    Hello Hive friends, especially the beautiful people of Liketu ✨ I hope everyone woke up super well and their day started in the best way. I woke up very well, thank God, doing general cleaning throughout my house since there has been a lot of burning in different areas of the mountains and there is ash and a lot of dust everywhere. As soon as I finished I started cleaning my room once and then I took a bath to start writing this post more calmly.

    Today I want to share with you these selfies that I took with my partner the day we visited Choroni to say goodbye to my mother. Gabo and I were taking several photos of the place since it was my first time going to Choroni, and although he had already visited that beach before, he was taking photos just like me to have as a souvenir and to share them here with you in his Blog.

    He wasn't very keen on going... because we had both been overexposed to the sun the day we went to Las Ballenitas park to film and our skin was still super sensitive from being burned, but I was able to convince him to attend, since it was something important to me. , because it is my mother, his mother-in-law, who is about to leave the country in a few days. Thank you my Gabo @gaboarzola for attending this trip and for taking these and the other photos that you took with me and I will share soon.

    And well friends, I hope you like my post and have a nice week in general, taking into account that we are in Easter. ✨ Greetings and blessings to all. ♥️

    ESPAÑOL 🇪🇸

    Hola amigos de Hive en especial a la gente linda de Liketu 🥰✨ espero que todos hayan amanecido súper bien y su día haya iniciado de la mejor manera. Yo amanecí muy bien gracias a Dios, haciendo limpieza general en toda mi casa ya que han estado quemando mucho en diferentes zonas de las montañas y hay cenizas y mucho polvo por todos lados. Apenas terminé me puse a limpiar mi cuarto de una vez y luego me bañé para empezar a redactar este post mas tranquila.

    El día de hoy quiero compartir con ustedes estas selfies que me tomé junto a mi pareja el día que visitamos Choroni para hacerle la despedida a mi mamá. Gabo y yo estuvimos sacando varias fotos del lugar ya que era mi primera vez yendo a Choroni, y aunque el ya había visitado esa playa anteriormente, estuvo sacando fotos al igual que yo tanto para tener de recuerdo como para compartírselas por acá con ustedes en su blog.

    El no estaba muy animado en ir… porque ambos nos habíamos sobreexpuesto al sol el día que fuimos al parque Las Ballenitas a grabar y aún teníamos la piel súper sensible por la quemada, pero pude convencerlo para que asistiera, ya que era algo importante para mi, por ser mi mamá, su suegra, quien está por irse del país en pocos días. Gracias mi Gabo @gaboarzola por asistir a este viaje y por haberte tomado estas y las demás fotos que te tomaste conmigo y compartiré pronto.

    Y bueno amigos, espero que sea de su agrado mi post y tengan una linda semana en general, tomando en cuenta que estamos en Semana Santa. 🥰✨ Saludos y bendiciones para todos. ♥️


    @milagroscdlrr - @gaboarzola
    @milagroscdlrr - @gaboarzola





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