Killing The Weak Vampire

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Andrew was standing on a platform and enjoying the stares on him. This was the first time in his life that he had achieved a special achievement and attracted everyone's attention to himself.

    It didn't matter that the vampire he had defeated was blind, locked in a crypt for a long time, and in a very pitiable condition. None of this made Andrew humbled.

    A female reporter with golden hair and an attractive face came forward and asked him:
    "May I ask you to explain how you killed that vampire?"

    Andrew snorted.
    "I used a combination of my physical and magical abilities, quick combat moves and a spell that absorbed all the blood inside the vampire's body."

    "But some say the shape of the vampire's corpse shows there was no blood in his body before the fight."

    Andrew blushed with embarrassment and anger.
    "Some people better learn not to comment on everything."

    The reporter smiled meaningfully and went back. Andrew felt he could no longer tolerate the crowd and needed privacy. So, he got down from the platform and went to the building of the Anti-Dark Creatures Organization and to his room and laid down on his bed.

    Now that there were no people around him and everything had fallen into silence, disturbing feelings had formed in him.

    All magazines and newspapers had published articles about him and he had become famous and the organization had increased his income and he had found the ability to buy many things. So what was this damn annoying feeling that was pressing his heart?

    He suddenly wondered if it was a guilty conscience, was he a loser who had killed such a weak creature so cowardly? Could he erase the suffering face and pain-filled eyes of that vampire from his mind?


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