Going Down Memory Lane

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Going Down Memory Lane

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    They say "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step", I wasn't on Hive when the Hive Learners community started, I think I came when it was around week 11 or so, and here we are at the one hundredth week. I must commend the effort of the community, I want to say a big shout-out to all the admins and moderators, this implies that you are really doing your job.

    It's not easy to keep a community active and ever progressing like this. These days, it's very easy to run out of ideas on topics but I am amazed how Hive Learners keep running, giving amazing prompts each week. I have learned so much from this community, in fact, my growth on the Blockchain can be traced back here. So I want to use this medium to say thank you for what you have done in my life.

    Over the years there have been several amazing topics on the Hive Learners community, and I was privileged to write on some. Below I will be talking about some of the prompts I wrote on. I made an effort to see if I could count all the posts I made on the Hive Learners community but I couldn't because they were just so much. Nevertheless, here are a few posts I wrote that I feel connected to on an emotional level.

    1 . Week 98 Edition 2: Societal Pressure

    Societal Pressure is something that affects every one of us in one way or the other. There is pressure coming from different angles trying to force us to compromise. As a young man, there were many times I got this urge to do what everyone else was doing, there were days I felt like living a luxurious life like others, you know it hurts when you see your peers hitting the mark and you seem not to be anywhere close, but what good will it do you to get your hands dirty just to live a luxurious life for a while and then suddenly you are no more?

    This Edition was talking directly to me, it's something I am going through in life, so writing on it was kind of very easy for me, it was like telling someone what I am going through. I really enjoyed that edition. You can check the post out

    2 . Week 89 Edition 1: Tell Us A Story

    This was another Edition I loved so much, I am not good at fictional stories but that day, I got inspired to write about A young man named Tim, whose parents did their best to provide everything for him. But at one point, he hated his dad for not always giving him the time required as a father. He thought the father never cared.

    Subsequently, the father died leaving him a letter which broke the young man down making him realize how much the father loved him. The message in the story is for us to appreciate people and not focus on their negative side, sometimes, they might be doing what they are doing for our own good, especially our parents.

    I got inspired by the kind of relationship I and my late dad had before he passed on. I never really liked him till I lost him. If only I could turn the hands of time. You can check out the post


    The toughest Edition

    Week 72 Edition 02: Decentralized or Centralized

    This Edition was kind of tough for me because I didn't know much about how crypto works at that time, so talking about the decentralized system was a bit difficult for me. Even the centralized banking system is not something I am so much acquainted with but I was still able to write something down based on the little experience I have. You can have a look at the post

    The Simplest Edition

    Week 80 Edition 03: A Funny Story

    Almost everything is funny these days, coming up with something funny wasn't something that took me long. Immediately I saw the prompt, I remembered one of the experiences I had in an English class while I was in high school. You know that moment when you are dodging a word during reading comprehension, then suddenly you were picked to pronounce the word. Heheh that was the case. It was such a rough day for me but I learned, you can have a look at the post

    Happy one-hundredth week celebration to the Hive Learners Community, the sky is your limit

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