Week 16 - Apr 16 Investment Moves

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Week 16 - Apr 16 Investment Moves

    • Apr 16 Markets at 10:30 am
    • April 16 Options Trades
    • LFUS Option Trade History.
    • FSLY Option Trade History.

    Apr 16 Markets at 10:30 am

    This is what the markets looks like today at 10:30 am (EST). Just one hour into the trading day:


    The markets are "flat" right now. The last few days have been downtrending. You can see that if you use the 5-day view:


    Zoom out one more time and you will get a 90-day view. This tells a better picture of where we came from. The markets were under 4800 and now it's still above 5000. I'm not to worry if the markets continue to drop or if it moves back up to 5200.

    What I'm doing is adjusting my position for future risk, while trying to make a profit each week and each month.


    April 16 Options Trades

    Here are my trades so far:


    Why roll up and down covered call, or any Spread/Iron Condors? If you follow my trades, you will notice that is what I doing most of the time.

    LFUS Option Trades History

    Here is my trade history dating back 6 months. I collected a few hundred dollars just in ONE Covered call on LFUS. I adjust up and down when needed.

    FSLY Option Trade History.

    Here is my trade history on FSLY, using 3 covered calls.


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