L'effondrement (El colapso)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    L'Effondrement is a French television series that reminds us that the world as we know can collapse, facing extremely difficult decisions, which make the worst instincts emerge in order to survive.

    I would not want to make spoiler, then I will only tell you that if you want to see an apocalyptic series without zombies, this is definitely one that is worth seeing and I think they will like it.

    #english #TVShows

    L'Effondrement es una serie de televisión francesa que nos recuerda que el mundo tal como lo conocemos puede colapsar, enfrentandonos a decisiones sumamente difíciles, que hacen aflorar los peores instintos con tal de sobrevivir.

    No quisiera hacer spoiler, entonces sólo les diré que si quieren ver una serie apocalíptica sin zombies, ésta definitivamente es una que vale la pena ver y creo les gustará.

    #spanish #Series

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