in voilk •  5 months ago

    At the dawn of 14th of February
    There's roses that's plenty to see
    Hearts that sing in symphony
    As love expressed in glee
    A day of love, a heart that's free.

    The 14th day of February, a very special day to express the power of love to the person that we fancy. However, many people misinterpreted this day, because they always think that this is only for those who have boyfriend or girlfriend, couples, or the day to express our feelings towards our crushes or to the one we admire secretly. The day of valentine is also known as "The day of love", this is the day to celebrate and express our love towards other people. This day is not only limited to those who are in a romantic relationship but this is also the day to express our love for our friends.

    Actually I don't have a boyfriend since I'm not into a relationship because I always tend to focus only in my studies, besides I don't rush love as I believe that it will come in God's perfect time.

    On the other hand, God sent me three friends to spend my valentine's day with. I even prepared a very simple present for the three of them.


    Unluckily, we didn't get a picture together because one of our friend is busy preparing for her presentation on that day as she's not in the mood to take a picture because she's somehow bothered and stressed for her presentation. We just tried to understand her and didn't forced her to do so.


    The funny thing is, she had this plan that we didn't know. Wherein on her presentation, she did her sweetest and smooth public non-verbal confession to her crush. Wherein, through asking a question which is related on her topic, to whoever can answer her question, she will give them a flower as a prize. Luckily, her crush is the one who answer the question, then, she shyly lend him a blue flower which made all of our classmates giggle and teased them until our teacher scolded us and then the reporting continued.

    My day went well, until I gave my present to my lovely recipients. The most unexpected part is when I received a flowers from them as well.


    I thought I'm just the one who were thinking to give a valentine's present to them since I don't have a boyfriend to spend my valentine with, I only have them.

    This is actually the valentine's day that I can consider the most memorable one since this is also the first time I received a flowers from others.


    They made my day extra special and didn't made me feel that I'm alone. Two of my friends are actually in relationship while me and my other friend (the one I've mentioned above) is NBSB or no boyfriend since birth, the reason why we are both quite close compared to the other two.

    Being single is actually my choice, there are some boys are hitting my messenger as I believe that being in a relationship will only be a distraction in my studies and I think it's still not a right time to think about being in a relationship aside from my studies. I have friends to accompany me anyway, their presence are enough for me. Being single is not that bad, it is a good choice. You have your own freedom to do whatever you want to do since there will be no one who will control and dictate what you should do,free to like or admire anyone, no one who will bother me everytime, no overthinks if he still love me or not or if he is already cheating or not. Lastly, no heart breaks, wherein my heart is free from the fleeting pain caused by loving and wasting time to the wrong person.


    At first, i even thought that I would never receive a flower from anybody on that day, so I bought a
    it for myself. Just like in the song by Miley Cyrus, I can buy myself flowers. I don't need a man to buy one for me; instead, I have friends and myself who can give it freely and wholeheartedly.


    Meanwhile, there's an unexpected thing that happened on that night. Our last subject was scheduled on the evening, 5:30 until 8:30 PM to be exact. While we are busy doing our writing activity on that particular, there's a sudden power interruption that occurred. We even thought that our class will be dismissed early but we got it wrong since our professor is so persistent telling us that we need to finish our works despite of the darkness, therefore we used the flashlight from our phones as our guiding light on that dark night. Luckily, the electricity came back after a few minutes. That's even the literal dark side of our valentine's day, not just because of the black out but also because of the given activity wherein we had a hard time on finishing it.


    Truly, Valentine's day wasn't only designed for couples. It is also a great day of celebration of being in love and to be loved by friends, family, and most especially by God. What a special day it is actually, because that day is also called Ash Wednesday, the start of the holy season in Christian tradition. What a coincidence and plan of God to remind everyone that love shouldn't only be seek from the opposite sex, as his love for us is way more powerful than to any kinds of love that humans can have in this world.

    I hope that your Valentine's day was also well spent with your loved ones. Thank you for reading!

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