The charm of the unspoiled and amazing beauty of the Jangka sea

in voilk •  2 months ago

    hello all hive friends.

    Meet me again @riyat in today's post about my trip to one of the seas located in Matang Glumpang dua, Bireuen district, Aceh province.

    I vacationed here with my friend named Suar, we traveled quite a long way, from East Aceh to Bireuen which is quite far away, we went on holiday specifically to Sea Jangka, because we heard about Sea Jangka which is very beautiful at the moment.

    We arrived here too early so no visitors had come to this place yet, we deliberately came in the morning so we could freely photograph some of the beauty of the sea without any problems.I managed to take some beautiful photos as well as some beautiful moments while we were at sea.

    When we just arrived here, we were confused about where to park our motorbike, because all the tourist attractions weren't open yet, after arguing for a while with my friend, we finally decided to park our motorbike at the edge of the stalls in that place.

    After parking the train, we immediately explored the sea and took some photos of the beauty of the sea.

    First of all, I will share some of the beautiful views on the beach.

    Because it was starting to get hot, I decided to take shelter in some of the visitor chairs provided at that place.

    And here I also took some very beautiful pictures of the place provided by the seller for visitors to take shelter. this is truly an extraordinary sight.Because there were no visitors yet, we could freely take photos

    And here are some beautiful pictures

    While I was busy taking photos, I saw a girl who came out of nowhere and headed straight for the swing on the edge of the sea, and I hoped it was a real person LOL. and I immediately took some pictures

    When I took a picture of the swing, the woman immediately left without saying a word to us, and we didn't dare to ask the girl.

    After that our stomachs felt very hungry, and none of the tourist attractions were open yet, so we thought about taking a few more pictures and decided to find something to eat first.

    On the way home I saw some beautiful views of the river estuary which is next to the tourist attraction. and I immediately took my cellphone and immediately took a photo.

    It's really beautiful, you can also see several fishing boats parked in the estuary, it's really extraordinary. After I took pictures at the estuary I immediately continued my journey.

    oh and this is the pos where you can buy entrance tickets to tourist attractions.

    And that ends my story for today. I hope all my friends enjoy every picture and story that I present today.

    Don't forget to leave your comments in the comments column below👇👇, I'll definitely reply. Thank You.

    The images and stories are purely mine, I did not plagiarize anything from other people's content. I took the images using an Vivo s1 pro cellphone and edited the images using the Lightroom application.

    And I wrote the article above in Indonesian and translated it into English with the help of Google.

    See you again in my next post❤❤

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