in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello to all the shadow hunters.
    Great thanks to @melinda010100, for this wonderful week challenge, 'show me a shadow'.
    Welcome to my blog, I'm so dealighted, to be a partaker of this wonderful week shadows hunters challenge.
    In this entry, my first shadow post is for the contest entry.


    Today was great, I woke up early and dressed up to church, because we a program. On my way to church I saw this beautiful coconut tree, and the umblellize shadow from it, so I took a picture of it, in other to share it here in shadow hunters community.


    On reaching the church, I saw this amazing shadow reflecting from the building of my church. So I took a shot of it.


    During church service, I was felling press, when I went to the backyard, wanted to use the toilet. I admired the shadow from the plantain tree, took a picture of it.


    And I also saw the shadow from the fence of our church, so I took a shot of it.


    On my way coming back from the church, I saw this great shadow reflecting from my church members, and they were trying to be fast than their shadow, so I rush and took a shot of it.


    This is my shadow, on my way coming back from church.

    Hope you loved this wonderful shadow hunting, stay safe.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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