An illness made me rethink my way of life.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Life is a course of ups and downs, where we often come face to face with unexpected challenges and difficult moments. One of those difficult moments that marked my life was when I was faced with a serious illness that tested my mental and physical strength: diabetes.


    I clearly remember the day I was diagnosed with a medical condition that required immediate attention. The news hit me like a bolt of lightning, leaving me overwhelmed and filled with uncertainty. It was a time when my world was reeling, and I felt vulnerable and helpless.

    The main obstacle I had to overcome was fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the reaction to the disease I presented with (fatigue, tiredness, dehydration, vision difficulties) and the possible complications that could arise. Facing the reality of my own frailty was an overwhelming challenge. However, thanks to the support of my family and friends, I found the strength to embrace the process and face it with courage.


    Photo by Vesky in Unsplash

    With diabetes, my body does not produce a sufficient amount of insulin or cannot adequately use the insulin it produces. When there is not enough insulin, too much sugar is left in the bloodstream and, over time, this can cause serious health problems, such as heart disease, vision loss and kidney disease.

    During my recovery, I experienced constant emotional ups and downs. There were times when I felt hopeless and discouraged, wondering if I would ever live a normal life again. However, each time I faced those emotional obstacles, I reminded myself of the importance of resilience, (our ability to adapt to adverse situations), and determination.



    There is still no cure for diabetes, but losing weight, eating healthy foods and being active helps, as well as taking medication as prescribed and getting education on how to attack this disease.

    My recovery process was slow and demanding, with multiple medical sessions and a rigorous focus on my physical well-being. However, each step I took towards recovery made me feel stronger and more motivated to continue. I learned that true strength lies in the ability to face challenges with courage and perseverance.

    This difficult time taught me several valuable lessons. First, I learned to value health and wellness as the most precious treasures in life. We often take for granted our ability to lead a normal life until we are faced with the possibility of losing it.

    In addition, I also learned the importance of surrounding myself with supportive people, as their love and encouragement were critical during my recovery process. I learned to be vulnerable and to ask for help when I needed it, which reminded me that there is nothing wrong with admitting our weaknesses and seeking support from others.


    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I learned the importance of resilience and a positive attitude during difficult times. Although going through these experiences is painful and challenging, they are opportunities to grow and become stronger. These trials may seem unbearable at the time, but, at the end of the road, they always reveal an inner strength we didn't even know we had.

    That difficult time in my life taught me to find the strength and determination within me to overcome any obstacle. As I faced my fears and fought to regain my health, I discovered a new appreciation for life and greater mental strength. This experience transformed me into a more resilient person and reminded me of the power of a positive attitude in the face of adversity.

    This is my second post of the week and it is related to the topic:

    One Tough Time: Tell us about the time you went through a tough time in your life that ended up making you stronger at the end. Tell us what it meant for you and the major hurdles you had to cross for things to end in your favour. What lessons did you learn from this?

    The first and fourth images are my property, the pictures were taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone.

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