Alive & Thriving Wishful Monday : A Private Outdoor Garden || AATYr5 || LarryIsAlive

in voilk •  last month


    Well, it's another Monday. As the work week progresses, I count down to another weekend. 🤣 It is what it is. I've fed the outdoor kitties and enjoyed the windy breeze outside. How I wish I have my own private outdoor garden.


    I can imagine myself and the kitties simply enjoying the garden. I'd love to build them a catio so they can move freely around. For now, all I have is a vision of what I wish to build. 😂 I don't even know if I'd be able to achieve it. Still, I believe our minds are powerful. It all begins with a vision, but the action steps will be just as important. Inshallah! 🙏❤️💡

    Alive&Thriving Wishful Monday

    Have you updated your wish list? It's been a while since I worked on mine. I know that there's a lot that I still want to accomplish, but it's tough to describe how I feel about it now. A lot has changed in these past few years. 🤔 Right now I'm just going with the flow. It's like I've been waiting for life to unfold. 😂

    It's almost middle of the year. Pretty soon we'll be saying good-bye to June too. 🙄 Sometimes I wish there's a pause button so I can have more time to relax and be creative. I was supposed to cook more than one dish tonight but decided against it. I can cook the other one tomorrow instead. 🤣 What's the hurry, right? Besides, I'm a bit tired with the prepping of my banana fritters. I've cooked half of the batch. I think the other half will be made into sweetened dessert. That way I can enjoy something cold. 😝

    I've decided it would be sandwich week for me. Let's see what else I can come up with. Do you enjoy meal planning? Me, not so much. 🤣 I don't have much choice though, as we do need to eat to live.

    Talk about eating, I'm baffled at the shortage of available banana leaves at the market. My assistant got to buy very few ones, so the guinea pigs will be fed more pellets. They like it better anyway, but they still miss their leaves somehow.

    Onwards to my #LarryIsAlive quest...


    Let me recap my quest for today... (6/6)

    LN - daily goal completed for the challenge 👍 weekly now at 26%.. let's see if it can be completed at the end of the week..

    CTPX - completed my daily run today and was glad to learn I won twice yesterday.. 😉🍀

    LL - daily surf and convert done.. I'm less than twenty cents from $9.. just a little more and I can soon request for another payout.. Yay! 🙌

    TAB - minimum daily surf plus a little more to get the desired 900 points minimum. I wish there will be another round of surfing bonus promos..

    FAFY - added an extra activity today to reach my 1K reward points goal easily.. now at 190 points..

    ITB - completed my five shares today...

    screenshots from my quest can be found below...




    >>> What's new? : Check out CTPX










    Infinity Traffic Boost


    It's a wrap today. I just wish to rest for the night. 😌 Yeah, gotta conserve energy for the rest of the week. I can imagine my enthusiasm growing though as the weekend draws nearer. 🤣 #lifeslikethat I wish you a fantastic week (and month) ahead. Nighty night from Manila. See you on my next post tomorrow. Ta-tah 👋



    credits for the new signature : @stdd

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    Never Bother


    Don't You Cry No More

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    More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
    NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

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