There & Back Again

in voilk •  4 months ago

    ~ ArcHive of A.I. Art ~

    I'm back with some artwork that i haven't posted yet. Well, i haven't posted these exact versions before.

    I usually create so many outputs from my prompts as i try to refine and tweak each iteration that i only post a minuscule fraction of the results.

    Many of you may like some of my alternate images better than the ones i chose to go with sharing in the past.

    So, i figured no harm in showing some of those images as well as a few others that i especially enjoyed creating along the way.

    When i try to recreate some of my old prompts in the new and improved bot with all it's upgrades and options i find that there are many runs that i go through before bringing out the best 'new' option.

    Not that the old or the defaults aren't good enough... i just enjoy trying to get the best outputs i can manage with my ability to prompt the AI.

    This creates a zillion options for my creative mind. That can be quite overwhelming but also very creatively inspiring as well.

    I love how many new and unique ideas i get when creating prompts and seeing the outcomes. Then adjusting the prompts accordingly and observing the changes in the results is also fun but tedious.

    Crafting each round of prompts with different nuances to bring about better results whilst also calibrating different settings can be a bit challenging to keep up with.

    This whole process and workflow is a modern art itself, in my personal and humble opinion.

    It's not unlike sketching to end up with a final artwork.

    I have run through hundreds of sketches before finally settling on a design to detail and complete.

    I find that generating art is the same in that regard. I can run a hundred prompts, all just ever so subtly different and end up selecting just a handful to embody and represent my initial concept.

    Sometimes, with the AI you have to know when to stop. I believe that someone could literally spend an infinite amount of time and effort and never quite get the result they are looking for.

    That can be part of the bait enticing artists with the hanging carrot. Just keep going until it's perfect.

    That's not any different with traditional mediums though. It just happens in magnitudes greater and faster in the generative arts realm.

    I don't think i will ever be able to fully arcHive my images.

    I have just done too many runs and had too many outputs for my ability to collect them all in some orderly fashion.

    But,from time to time, I can share some of my generations that i chose not to feature.

    I felt it would be spammy to have shared everything. Especially, since it's not handmade traditional art.

    I do have a lot of content and i will try to share it in it's diversity. I did tell myself i wouldn't make any new art for this post or else i might not get it published.

    Well, I lied to myself... this image is new!

    Plus, there's so much unpublished already that I might not get this published anyway.

    Well, I lied to myself again... this image is also new!

    I can get caught up in looking at and finding all my history of generations.

    It's a bit painstaking as a process (blame Discord) but overall i am thankful it's not all stored locally and that's just my outputs.

    Not to mention running the bot itself and storing any amount of data for that!

    This is where i give thanks to the one Who does run the bot and share an invitation for everyone to join the fun in seeing your ideas and creations come to life just from a text prompt.

    If you are interested in making some art read the post i have linked below to learn how to participate for free.

    This bot operates inside Ausbit's Discord and in the Alien Art Hive discord also. Those invitation links are provided below.

    I hope you enjoy some of the images I am sharing with you here. Let me know which ones are your favorites and why in the comments. Maybe it can inspire something new and feel free to share some suggestions too.

    Until next time, take care. Also, feel free to give me some prompt ideas too if you want and I will try and run them when I get some time. If anyone has any advice on what kind of graphic art tablet to get I would be much obliged to hear your suggestions. I have been asking around and everyone has some interesting feedback. I will probably ask 20 more times before I finally pull the trigger. That's just longer to do more market research! hahaha

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