Exploring around the futuristic Night City is fun.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The thumbnail was created in Canva.

    Where were we? Well, after I had a meeting with my client Dex, he left me in the middle of nowhere in Night City, and it was not night yet.

    I had an objective to meet somebody, but I had in mind what @seryi13 was saying about spending more time walking around the city, looking at the buildings, streets, sky, and all that than completing missions, and I was looking forward to doing that.

    The first thing I noticed was this man sitting on a bench and eating something, probably noodles where I was.

    Then I was trying to get a good view of that big Chinese-style gate and I noticed this couple standing at the gate as if they were doing photographs. I went close to them and tried to talk but the NPC's in this game are not that friendly and don't want to talk to me but I keep trying.

    And by the way, I noticed a weird thing which is, that I don't see kids in the photo mode. I mean, I see a lot of cool kids walking around me and around the city but when I open the photo mode to capture photos of them, they just banish.

    I was attracted to this cyber lady who looked great and probably looked similar to some fighters in the Tekken game. I wished to stop and and talk to her but she just kept walking till she stopped and sat on that bench.

    I was taking photos of her, and she gave me this look when she was probably playing something on her phone.

    Then I noticed some people/workers were working around and there was an underdeveloped stair where I tried to get up but I couldn't and then I found these people taking a rest sitting on the floor.

    That man having a cyber-arm was crying over something when that lady was trying to calm him down. I'd also try to calm him down by having the option.

    Don't mistake thinking that the door to a restaurant like I did, goes to the upper level through the stairs.

    Is that an aircraft? That looked like a big chamber and it was floating leaving flames from its back. I don't if it's only to look or if I can go there as well.

    There I reached the top of the underdeveloped stairs I was talking about a moment back and I tried to talk to those workers but they were rough and didn't want to talk to me.

    There was this lady with two cyber-arms gossipping with that man as if they were dating and beside them, I found the only open door and took me inside.

    I went inside and found this lady receptionist and I had a little chat with her as well.

    There I found these gaming consoles and I was really surprised to see them in 2077. This man was playing a car racing game which I'd prefer to try but he was not just leaving.

    So I tried this Trauma Drama one which is similar to Contra that we used to play as kids. I played this game for a moment and I even finished the first level.

    Inside there, I found these people lying on those beds and I didn't understand what exactly they were doing there.

    Coming out of that store, I messed up with the man who was there flirting with that lady and he left but the lady was still standing with the same post so I went there and took this photo. Yeah, that's my V, my character there posing beside the lady.

    I found this hanging bridge that I can use to go from one side to another and reach the roads as well.

    This was a market of fast foods with a lot of stalls. I walked among them and tried to see if I could have anything from there but I couldn't so I left.

    Wait, wait, is that Fisk Wilson? This can't be but he does look like Fisk, right? Well, in that case, we're gonna need Spider-Man in Night City. Don't you think it'd be cool swinging around this city?

    This man was playing something like a drum or something but it was not an actual drum. I took his photo and he was looking at me.

    I started driving my car and I noticed this quarantined zone where two people were investigating the cause. It was a police situation so I didn't intervene there. I kept wandering around the city and I captured more photos but I'll talk about them in my next post.

    ** The End **

    "Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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