in voilk •  3 months ago

    The first time I heard the word depression, I wasn't so sure what it meant and the moment I found out what it means, it was then some things became clearer for me. Depression has always been since time immemorial and it's strange how it's one of the things people take lightly not until it has gotten to a really critical stage.

    Personally, I've never really gotten into depression but then I've been on that path and I knew how reserved I felt. All that was going through my mind at that time was just to do some things to myself that I know I won't do on a normal day. At that point, I knew something was wrong with me and I was a bit scared because the more I thought about it, the more I enjoyed that space and just wanted to be all by myself without anyone in that space with me.

    But luckily for me, I have surrounded myself with so many people that cared so much for me and they won't ever take it lightly when they see me down even for a second. I tried to play cool around them just so they don't try to help but then even my tone of communication changed and at that point it was impossible to hide the fact that something was definitely wrong with me.

    I was able to overcome my depression almost immediately because I had myself surrounded by amazing people that really cared about me. I walked that path of depression due to how bad everything around me then was going, like every single thing wasn't just going as planned and I could see others around me do the same thing and they keep progressing at it. I was just so sad even though outwardly I acted like I've gotten everything in control.

    I was slowly drifting away and I was losing my mind with every negative thought I considered. Overcoming depression wasn't so hard for me and that is because I wasn't eaten so deep and also because before it happened, I already surrounded myself with the right people. At that point I got engaged with more things that needed my attention and it was impossible for depression to breed deeply in me.

    There was definitely a clear lesson I learned at that point and it was the importance of the right people around us. So many times people face depression and they get so engrossed by it because they have no one who genuinely cares for them. They struggle with basically everything all by themselves and they don't even notice when they get depressed not until it is almost beyond control.

    The importance of people was what I learned from my experience with depression and to think that it is still people that are responsible for making us feel depressed, it's quite fascinating. As much as I can, I've made it a priority to always make effort to surrounding myself with people because I know that's one of the easiest way to overcome depression.

    I've also learned that depression mostly comes to those people who think too less or too high of themselves and I was almost a victim because I don't believe so much in myself. I believe in others even better than I believe in myself and that's why I was almost feed on by that cheat called depression. Those weaknesses we have are what gives room to depression setting in and if we want to be saved from depression then we have to work on those weaknesses or surround ourselves with people that are stronger in those areas that we are weak.

    This is my little response to the Hivelearners topic for this week's first edition on "DEPRESSION IS REAL".

    All Images used are mine

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