HivePakistan Curation Compilation #47

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hey everyone! We hope you are having a great day. This will be our #47 episode of Hive Pakistan Daily Picks.

    As part of our commitment to the Hive community, we present our daily curation compilation, a showcase of exceptional content from our talented userbase. This compilation serves as a living example of the creativity, dedication, and diversity within and outside of the Hive Pakistan community.

    Our Picks:

    By: @nhaji01
    Truimphs, Trials, and Transformations

    Posted In: Hive Learners
    The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Nelson Mandela If you read my previous then you probably know the story behind how I joined the hive learners community. At the start of it all, I didn’t expect to face challenges but along the line I did and even though I thought of giving up, I had people to motivate me to keep pushing in order to achieve my goal. Even before being accepted into the Hive learners community, the whole process thought me a great lesson which is Perseverance. If I had given up when I thought of it I wouldn’t even be here today talking about it all. image designed on I joined the hive learners community when I first joined hive and at that time I didn’t really know my way around the blockchain ...

    By: @gwajnberg
    Hive Learner's Featured Edition and Hive Walking together for personal growth.

    Posted In: Hive Learners
    Banner created in canva   For 45 weeks, many posts went by. Many things happened in my "Hive career". I can tell you about my life before and after the Hive Learners community, more specifically, Featured Edition Contests. Before that, I was posting mostly about things that were just passing by my mind. Which were crypto challenges/novelties that I went by, movies, and science posts which are topics that I enjoy writing about. Well, I didn't stop doing that, but Featured Edition Contests brought me 3 times a week prompts ...

    By: @rafzat
    Loh Contest #171 ~ My Advice To Young Girls.

    Posted In: Ladies of Hive
    I am sure that’every young woman is aspiring to be one thing or the other and it is moatly about being great. There’s no one who does not want to be great and as a result of that, there are some steps they should follow or things they should do that which may seem like an advice but will help them to be great in life and also as women kn general. I’m not too wise but I’ve got some pieces of advice for young women like me and they are: Care about your reputation There are so many things that young girls of my age do these days and it is obvious that they care less about tomorrow which does not seem sensible to me. We even see some of us posting nude pictures and all on social media or doing things that can destroy their future and it is really bad. We don’t know what the future holds so we have to be careful of how we ruin our reputation with our own hands. Focus on your dreams There are so many things that are enough to distract us or maybe serve as a means of distraction to us but we have to get serious with our goals ...

    By: @terganftp
    A few tips after making a bunch of mistakes

    Posted In: Hive Learners
    A few quick tips I've written a fair number of posts in the hivelearner community and I've picked up a few tips over that time. They are fairly simple and I'm sure any veteran posters will know them all but here are some ideas to keep you from making the same mistakes I have. Tip 1 : Post in the right place Okay. Sounds pretty obvious. If you are posting in the hivelearners then make sure you post in the HiveLearners. Simple ...

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    Key Features Of Hive Pakistan

    HivePakistan Exclusive: While we curate content from all over Hive, the #HivePakistan tag helps us monitor and discover Pakistani creators. If you're not from Pakistan, kindly refrain from using this tag, as our curators will organically curate your content even without the tag. Misuse of the tag may result in a missed curation opportunity.

    Support: Have questions or doubts related to Hive? We've got you covered! Pose your queries in HivePakistan Discord's #pak-help channel, where assistance is provided in both Urdu and English. We hope this opportunity to clarify your doubts in the local language will be beneficial to many.

    Become a Curator: Dedicated Pakistani Hivers can apply to become a curator and get access to curate at least twice a day using @hivepakistan account as long as curations are organic. Join us in recognizing and rewarding quality content!

    Discord Giveaways: Join HivePakistan Discord to win Daily Giveaways!

    Practices To Avoid: Always powering down, being active on steemit, and recycling old content may result in getting less or no support.

    Community Support: We also support initiatives like NeoxianPrompts, and Earn, Spend, Give and more. If you're a community mod, contact us for collaborative support.

    HivePakistan Supporter Badge: By your generous delegation of 500 hp or more to @hivepakistan, you can get our Supporter Badge. You can also check out HivePakistan supporters HERE.


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    💚 Follow our Curation Trail and don't miss voting! 💚


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