= A Tiring Enjoyment Weekend =

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello, Hivers. I'm back once again for another blog to post due to the schedule of my midterm exam last week. Today, my tiredness of my exams was ended last Saturday, in my last subject of our major subject. Before I would start my blog, I just to ask if how are you this weekend? Did you enjoy your days or weekends with your friends, families and love ones? Well, I hope our all of you are happy and stay positive, despite of some many obstacles and challenges that we've faced. I guess it's time for me to share my weekend experiences that I did after my last exam, so let's start!

    After my exam on my last subject, I were having a lunch together with my buddies and went back to my office to do my inventory thing on my laptop. Typing and encoding their records especially in my NSTP time after classes is one of my free time hobbies in school. Around 4PM, we've hurried to fix ourselves because my two other buddies was really eager to go to the barber shop so that they could cut their long hair. With our buddies who we're still on the jeepney, we bid goodbye to them and went to the barber shop that they were discussed in school. It took me 40 minutes, I guess, to wait for them to finish cutting their hair and finally they've finished. My buddy suddenly told us to buy some foods to eat, so I agreed and we went to inside the mall to buy some street foods.


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    Own photos, collaged in Canva.

    Finally! We already bought our foods. Well, I was shocked because it's their treat, although I was planning to contribute any amount of money for our food. Anyways, the one on the left side is the Cheese Sticks, which was one of my favorite street foods all the time. Sometimes, when seeing some street foods on my way home, I always looking for those cheese sticks. If I didn't found any, I have no choice but decided to go home. The other one on the right was called or named Milktea. I wonder what it is called in the other country, but like the cheese sticks, this is also one of my favorite foods that I would like to drink during weekends. Too bad I forgot about its flavor, either is it winter melon or oreo cheese cake, but at least it is kind of delicious.

    After staying a little bit in the mall, we decided to go out since my buddies wants to go home. I bid farewell to them both of them and went to a plaza to stay and ventilate for a little bit while waiting for my parents to have a meet up at SM City Mall. While sitting, I notice the plain moon and as described, it was full moon. (My apologies if I didn't take a picture of it). I took a hour to stay there just to stare at the moon, since I was also a Selenophile, or another term for moon lover.


    After a moment of staring, my phone suddenly just pop out, revealing a message from my step father, saying that he was already in a Starbucks: SM City Mall. Being curious, I went up to leave in that place to got there. When I went inside and go straight to Starbucks, I saw him, sitting and sipping his favorite coffee. I went to sit in that place because both of us were waiting for Mom to arrive. A few minutes of sitting, he told me to order something that I want in this cafe. He give me 140 pesos, so looking at the prices, I just ordered this drink. As you saw in this picture, it looks like a sting-drink to me, but when I taste it, I was shocked because its flavor just like lime drinks, which I can also called alcoholic drinks because of its strong smell. But its fine, I still managed to drink it all since I'm already fond of drinking lime-like drinks.



    After we leave to Starbucks and went to see Mom, we went to look a restaurant to eat some dinner. But when my step father told us that he would go to restroom first, we noticed this kind of scene (at the left picture) that look like a small event. We went to see it and saw the two girl who was doing the contemporary, or ballet dance rather. While they are dancing, I also noticed a man down beside the stage who sung a song for them. I suddenly look at the white projector that presenting a countdown and I remember it. Their event was little presentation of Earth Hour that was happened at that night. After the event was finished and a good timing that my step dad went out from the restroom, we went straight to a Japanese restaurant. I forgot its name but at least I've try one of their best Japanese food that I expected more, named Chicken Ramen. Its flavor looks like the most style of batchoys that I've eaten and this one looks really delicious. I was trying to use a chop sticks but I don't know how to use it. Although the food was clipped with it, still I didn't do it properly which my Mom laughs at how I hold the chop sticks.

    That's all for now, and I hope you would like it since it was my first time to share and post my blog here in this community.

    A pleasant Holy Thursday, everyone. Thank you for visiting my blog and see you around.

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