in voilk •  3 months ago

    I haven't really been bordered about it rill I grasp the understanding of it during one evening in our Bible study, my pastor had to let us divine what we understood by privilege, how's one privilege to something many persons came to with explanation that could best define the term, one person caught by insight says it's an opportunity we have in christ.

    As believers there are things that are freely given to us to enjoy once any individuals confesses Christ as his or her PERSONAL LORD & SAVIOUR they're entitled to these opportunities, but I see many believers obscured to these insight,

    You see my pastor choose to run with the definition of one person am opportunity because that is what it is, the privileges we have in christ are opportunities, several opportunities to harness to our advantage, it is opportunity because you can choose to utilise it that is if you know or choose to run over it, due to ignorance which is what I see and percieve many people to be under the influence of....


    The Bible says in Hosea 4:6 my people parish for lack of knowledge... That's to tell you the weight of knowledge how important and Very relevant it is in life, because you can only go as far as you know, most believe led will fast and pray all day (which is not wrong) asking God for financial prosperity, but refuse to look inward were lies the answer, there are times were what we ask God for has already been given to us but the understanding is not there to know the answers....

    When Abraham wanted to sacrifice ISAAC, as he lifted up his eyes to heaven God had to tell him look around you, you will see a ram tied somewhere, same thing with Moses when he was confronted with the Red sea and Pharaoh chasing behind... god told him what's that in your hands...

    Both case scenario points out that God uses the things within and around us to answer our secret wishes and prayers, which requires insight or foresight to perceive and understand these things,

    There are many ways God answers prayers for instance asking God for financial prosperity, God could open your eyes up to opportunities that lies around you, it might be there but you never noticed it, or God would drop am idea in your mind to develop that will break you out into endless streams of wealth.

    The only cure and remedy to Ignorance is through The word of God... GOD creates these world and everything in it, so in order to live successfully, fulfilled and accomplished As a believer you must be addicted to the study of the word, the Bible says in

    2Timothy 1:17 study to show yourself approved, a work man that needed NOT to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth.

    That's the door way to accessing the many privileges that awaits us as God's children, if you don't have this understanding, it will be difficult to know what's truly yours in life

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