Everyone's life is changing

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

    Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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    We are the best living beings in the creation, we are faced with various situations in our life, we face different situations at different times in our life, sometimes we are sick and sometimes we are healthy, sometimes our life is spent in many dangers and sometimes our life is spent in peace. there is no danger in life.

    Sometimes there is much happiness in our life, sometimes there is no happiness, life passes through many difficulties, that is, every person's life is changing, no person is happy forever, and no person is sad forever, everyone's life sometimes comes happiness again. Sometimes sadness comes, happiness, sadness, laughter, crying, all these things are human life.

    No man can say that he has lived only in happiness all his life, and no man can say that he has spent his whole life only in sorrow, no man can say that he is very happy at one time, when he is happy he has everything. It feels good, and that person is sometimes very sad and nothing feels good to him.

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    A poor man who is a day labourer, spends his life working day by day, one day he can eat if he works and another day he cannot eat, even that poor man cannot say that he has spent his whole life only in hardship, but also in his life. Sometimes happiness is found. He also lived his life in peace for a long time.

    And a very rich man, who has no lack of wealth, who only has money and wealth, he cannot say that he was only in happiness all his life, his life was not only spent in happiness, but also in his life there were many times of sorrow, He was also in trouble many times in his life, spent his life in trouble.

    That's why we all should be happy with our life, and always try to smile and be happy, be satisfied with our life, then there will be no more sorrow in life.

    Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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