Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Prologue

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Beyond the looking glass.jpg

    G&R Fourteen Years

    You just don't step inside to 14 years
    So hard to keep my own head, that's what I say
    You know, I've been the beggar
    I've played the thief
    I was the dog, they all tried to beat

    But it's been
    14 years of silence
    It's been
    14 years of pain
    It's been
    14 years that are gone forever
    And I'll never have again.

    𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

    Dear Reader, we meet again after fourteen years.
    I must say it feels like yesterday (also a great G&R song).

    It´s not that weird that it feels like that as I finally closed the book last week, a book I started so long ago.

    Some of you might not have heard from me in over five years. That is when you belong to that small selective audience that was privy to the first release in my native tongue.

    It took me another five years to write the translation in the present tense and clean up some bits and pieces along the way.

    That journey is now completed, I closed that book by writing several closure posts, it´s hard to say goodbye to it all.

    It seems there is no rest for the wicked.

    When one book closes another book opens.

    You just opened that other book.

    Don´t be fooled by the title this is no Alice in Wonderland adaptation, although I might write that one day as well.

    For now, we´ll go beyond Wonderland and meet some friends.
    Some old some new....
    But we will not do the off with their heads thing again I promise....I think

    Your Friend,
    𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒾𝑜 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒾𝒿𝓃

    Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Prologue

    Dear Reader, we have been through a lot together.
    How marvelous to have you back at my side once again.
    This journey started with me having so many illusions of grandeur, chasing after the boss of the world.

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    This time you will get to see the real me, the me in this century.
    I told you that book one was based on some regression sessions and that I think it was me back then. That it was Me Mar(t)io.

    Now I know there was a reason Martio was calling me from beyond the looking glass, but this deaf, dumb, and blind kid did not listen.

    I did not see, I did not comprehend.

    I thought I was just telling you a tale, little did I know that I told the tale so I myself would remember.

    I did not notice Me Martio, screaming at me your writer and friend. I did not notice how he tried to wake me up and make me see.

    He did not succeed.

    Not until I took a long hot shower after closing the book, did the words start dripping into my perception.

    Help found Me Martio, and now I, your writer and friend, am wide awake.

    If it´s seen, it can not be unseen, but how could I have been this blind for fourteen years?

    I will explain it all and I hope you are prepared to see beyond the looking glass because that is where this story will take us.

    Where I previously thought I was just the narrator I now know that I am Lady Faith her favorite marble.


    Last time we spoke I was an old man telling you good night, promising that I would soon tell you about The Long Journey Back To Once.

    That was only yesterday, but time and space twist weirdly nowadays. Our human minds can hardly perceive, how now and then are not chronologically but happening alongside one another.

    The words I promised have none of your hasty modern-day hocus pocus. These words arrive when they are ready, or rather when you are ready.

    To start that journey back to once, I had to leave them all behind, this world can be so cruel.
    Why when you finally make friends or find your long-lost love, does life make it so uncomfortable complicated?

    I lost Kyra, the wife to the Boss of the World, and the first woman, and probably the last one, that I fell in love with.

    Now within the same year, I have to leave all those who are dear to me.

    All but you Dear Reader, you will be the only one for now accompanying me on this tourney back once.

    If your memory is better than mine you might remember I have been longing to go back, back to once. But as a wise man from a neighboring country once said:

    "When in a Hurry Take A detour"

    And if I could say one more thing;

    It's never one direction.
    Pushing boundaries just a bit is rarely without affliction.
    Because the most beautiful of flowers grow right next to the abyss.
    Those ready reap, overcome the fear of what happens when they miss.

    First Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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    Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

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    Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 2

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    Greatest Hits From My Book "Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen"

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    [Source Pic](All pics by MYI & AI unless watermarked or mentioned)

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