Card Highlights #24: Henchling Enforcer

in voilk •  2 months ago


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    Card Highlights #24: Henchling Enforcer

    Police are not always heroes or villains; they are merely mortal men, trying to do a job that many forget is as complex and challenging as any other.
    by Detective Miller, The City Beyond the Wall

    The Baron's Bounty Halving event will be done in a matter of days. If you want to get into action, you may want to get in now. The longer you hesitate, the less the multiplier for the points will be. If you're still unsure if you want to get these commemmorative cards or not, check out my blog for this week and see how strong Henchling Enforcer is.

    If you are interested in checking out Baron Fyatt instead, check out my last week's post here:


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    Baron Fyatt has imposed a 50% tax on the citizens of the Chaos Empire, and the henchling enforcers are his muscle charged with exacting it.
    From the lowliest of hovels to the grandest of castles, these pint-size provocateurs go door to door, making sure the price is paid. And when their bags are filled and their wagons can hold no more, they return to the capital of Tovingor, where native coins are melted down and reminted as Chaos marks.

    For full lore of this card, visit this website:


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    Buy and Rental Costs

    There are two ways to buy Henchling Enforcer.

    One is through the market. You can currently buy one for $1.28 per card. This is much cheaper than the other option although I suggest the other one due to the benefits you will get.

    The other option is through Baron's Bounty event for 3125 DEC/Credits each. The advantage of doing this is to get a chance for additional rewards if you get enough points. You can also get significant discount of up to 50% for spending VOUCHER along with the purchase. More information can be found at the end of this blog.

    Right now, the decent price you can rent is up to level 4 for 26.75 DEC per day. Higher level is more expensive but level 4 is enough because you get both Halving and True Strike.


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    Card Stats

    Henchling Enforcer has a good damage and speed. Being a range unit, these two stats are the most required. Damage gives you the win condition while the speed makes sure your unit attacks first applying Halving immediately while making sure that your attacks wouldn't miss.


    Card Effects

    Each time this Unit hits a target, the target's attack is cut in half (rounded down)

    One of the best abilities in the game. Halving just got a really good change recently and I'm not sure if it was in the notes. The change was that the reduction is now rounded down instead of rounded up. In other words, before, a 3 damage will be halved and make it 2 but now, the 3 damage will be halved making it 1. This is a strong change especially if you combo this with Shield or Void.

    True Strike
    This Unit's attacks cannot miss

    It's a good ability to combine with Halving since Henchling Enforcer has range attack. Range and melee attacks can miss depending on enemy abilities and speed. With True Strike, each attack will be useful and gets you close to halving that enemy's attack.

    This Unit cannot be targeted for attacks unless it's in the first position

    This is a strong ability to protect important units like those with Tank Heal. To me, I don't like it with Henchling Enforcer since I cannot use him to block Sneak attacks. The only time I think this is a good ability for Henchling Enforcer is if there's Aimless rule set which gives him Scattershot, the best ability to combine with Halving.


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    Strengths & Weaknesses

    Henchling Enforcer's strength would have to be the abilities. Halving and True Strike are great combinations as it would not waste your attacks and you are sure his attacks would always hit. Camouflage is a good addition but I don't find it helpful.

    Henchling Enforcer's weakness is his lack of useful abilities. It would be better if Henchling Enforcer has Scattershot, Opportunity or Snipe which would allow him to target different targets every round. Without these, once the unit in the front's attack has been halved, then the Halving is useless until the next unit goes to the front.


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    When To Use

    Fog of War
    Units lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities.

    Since Henchling Enforcer does not have any Snipe, Sneak or Opportunity, he is not affected by this rule set.

    All Units have the Scattershot ability.

    Scattershot is what makes Halving strong. With Scattershot, Henchling Enforcer's Halving can affect multiple units at the same time.

    Going the Distance
    Only units with ranged attacks may be used.

    Since Henchling Enforcer has range attack, Going the Distance rule set is one of the best to use him in.


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    When Not To Use

    This is the bane of all range units. Since your units will get damaged every attack they do, it would be bad to have this rule set especially for Henchling Enforcer.

    Non-flying Units take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.

    Another one that would kill your units. Since Henchling does not have any Flying ability, he would get 2 damage every round which is very bad.

    Reverse Speed
    Units with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

    The high speed of Henchling Enforcer becomes a drawback in this rule set. It is worse because Henchling Enforcer has range attack and will make him miss a lot.


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    Battle Sample

    THe enemy's biggest damage comes from Dumacke Orc and Gobson Bomber. With Henchling Enforcer being able to halve Dumcake Orcs attack immediately was very good. This reduced the damage I got which lead me to an easy win.


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    Final Thoughts

    After using both Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer I have a great grasp of both units. I can say that both are strong and Halving is actually a good contributor of why these cards are strong. The recent changes in the effect of Halving also gave positive changes on the outlook of these cards and made them a lot stronger.

    With the last few days of run for the Baron's Bounty event, I believe it would be wise to buy cards there instead of the market if you have a lot of VOUCHER saved. With 50% discount, the price between the market and the event is not that different. In addition to that, you may get bonus packs, RUNI, Land, and a lot more depending on your luck. It is a much better deal as long as you would buy at least 3 copies of Henchling Enforcer or 1 Baron Fyatt.

    For a more detailed information about the Baron's Bounty event, I made a post last week that you can see here:

    You can also find more information on Splinterlands Post that you can find here:


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    If you have suggested combos or questions, feel free to comment it down below.

    If you are planning to play and is inspired by my post, please consider using my referral link:

    I do not own any of the photos in this post. All credits goes to:

    • Splinterlands
    • Peakmonsters
    • Canva
    • Giphy

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