Being called out

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Image of myself

    Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.
    For this week's prompt, I would be writing on being called out. But for this prompt, I will be writing about how my roommate called me out.

    It happened that and my roommate I have not been on good terms some kind of issues had been going on which we were still trying to sort out then. She traveled back home to do some stuff and it was during that period that there was this accident in Ibadan and that's where my roommate stays.
    Truth be told I didn't know about the accident at first but I found out through people I didn't call my roommate to check up on her which I know I should have done but I didn't because I have been really busy.

    I have 3 roommates let’s call the Bee, Dee, and Ree. In the room, Ree and I are very close while Bee and Dee are close to themselves and they are always picking on Ree and me for no reason but we just stay on our own to avoid trouble.

    Then, Bee brought it to our notice that we hadn't heard about the accident that happened in Ibadan so why didn't we call Dee to check up on her, I didn't say anything I just said I would call her when I got the chance to while Ree said she didn't know about it that she was also going to call her. After that day passed I still didn't call her till she came back to school and we just talked in person.

    I then noticed that she had been acting up strangely but I didn't worry much because we were going to start our exams soon and we needed to get our documents ready for it so we were all busy.

    On that particular day, she decided to call me out, I was heading to the school library to pick up the water bottle that I had forgotten earlier then she stopped me because she wanted us to have a conversation I was confused and like couldn't it wait till we got home because she had never done that before even if she wanted us to talk we always do that at home so why did she want to talk in a public place? But anyway I just had to listen to her, then she asked me why I like doing things like I don't care. That I'm a wicked person and all of that. And I'm like I don't understand, that first, you picked the school environment of all places to talk to me not like she was talking but she was scolding me for just being me.

    I was already getting pissed off so my reaction to that was Senerio was just there because I just told her that she was free to think anything she wants to think because she wouldn't change me from being me and just because I don't talk or I like to keep to myself doesn't make me a wicked person. And just because I was trying to avoid scenes that would attract attention I just had to walk out on her because she was already calling people and telling people about it.

    And she also said something that was kind of funny because I don't know how that should be a problem. There's this other girl in the picture let’s name her Gee, so I and Gee were just having a harmless conversation when she told me that Dee sent a mail to her that could be useful for us and harmlessly I asked Gee to send me the mail too and ever since Gee sent it to me I haven't gone through it. So Dee was now like why would I go behind her back to collect the mail from Gee, and I was like this shouldn't be anything to worry about and it was not as serious as she's making it seem. As I saw the matter was getting out of hand, I had to leave her to go get my water bottle.

    So that's my story about how I was called out by my roommate to scold me for something I didn't even think about.

    Thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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