Teach your thumb, and control your attention thirst!!

in voilk •  2 months ago

    If you have followed my blog, you might already aware that often time I have the so-called influencer with star syndrome or the influencer wannabe who just posted anything to gain attention thus jacking up the traffic into their social media account. I am ok with those who genuinely taking an effort to make a good content to spread information, or good entertainment, but those who only share junk, deserve something bad.

    Now those bad ones bite the dust and get into bad karma for what they have done to the other people around them for attention. There has been a growing number of influencers who secretly record people, and then add irrelevant captions, what we call a gratitude post, showing their pity toward the other that they feel don't have a nice life situation as the influencer or the posters. The problem is that most of them are without the consent of the person they record, and most of the time, what they post is not always what is really happening in real life.


    back to these two douchebags who mocked an old lady in the cinema just because the old lady was looking closely at the posters that were available in the waiting area of the cinema. They mock and make fun of saying that the old lady might never been into the cinema, and thinking that the planet of ape (the cinema's poster) is real because she is looking at it very closely.

    Shouldn't it be the real use of those posters to be put there in the waiting area, so that people can have a little spoiler for the movies that currently being played?

    The post went viral, and they got tons of backlash from the angry netizen, some even went a bit far to doxx their identity. The result, they have been fired from their workplace just because of the stupid tumbs and the attention thirst that they decided to feed first, before thinking about how it will effect the work that have been feeding them in real life.

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