We Must Have Strong Tanks during fire and regret

in voilk •  3 months ago

    betel celeng fire and regret.png

    Hello again guys, welcome back to my Splinterlands post.

    Today post still has the same topic as the yesterday one, it is Fire and Regret Ruleset. This ruleset gives a return fire ability to all of the units in the battle field.

    I won't go in detail, because this is my second entry and this ruleset is very simple. You do range attacks, part of the damages will be returned to the attackers too. So better focus on Melee or Magic, or maybe a combination of them.

    The boring part about this ruleset is that everyone tend to go with Immortalis. Yes Immortalis is a great choice for this ruleset... He is strong against magic meta and he is good at breaking armor which most Melee units have...

    However what happens if we have the Silenced Summoners as the ruleset too? This make every summoners unable to deliver their ability, so Immortalis means nothing here.. He will be the same as others, no stronger or weaker summoner here.

    Let See How We Deal That



    I think this ruleset is quite good for our battle today. 99 MANA with silenced summoner and fire and regret ruleset. There is another one, super sneak, which we must take more attention on this, because It will be the decisive one too.

    With these rulesets, Initially I wanted to go with earth. I had Goblin Psychic here, he would heal my tank and delivered affliction cursed on opponent tank... A sure opposing threat to my opponent, however that Super Sneak ruleset made me ditched that idea.

    My opponent could go with full focus on my backline, and having Goblin Psychic would not be as wonderful as I had thought before. So I decided to go with Death Element, and my core unit would be USUT.


    Usut was a strong unit but not a great choice if your opponent anticipated some magic attack. His magic damage was so... LAME... but we had this silenced summoner which gave me confident to put him as my core unit.


    ~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

    Wow I liked this battle. Its a Death vs a Nature, each of us choose different elements and it looked like both of us had different Idea about how this battle should be.

    1. My opponent used Immortalis, well it did not matter. 99 Mana you could bring anyone here, and all summoners were the same.
    2. They focused on anti magic tank in front. A wise idea, even Immortalis got silenced, their magic protection was strong enough ... Too bad I had only 2 units who use magic attacks.
    3. In general, I had 3 Legendary units and they had 3 legendary units. My legendary units had higher level, so I should win this easily right? Hell no, their Legendary were all the expensive ones... thats why they compensate the level, because... I think their pocked was not deep enough


    Poor them... but thats the price to win in Splinterlands. You wanted to win easy, go get strong units... but they would not come cheap

    let see how this would go...


    • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. Without our summoner abilities, not many buff and debuff we had here
    • My opponent came with 5 melee damage, 2 range damage and 8 magic damage. It's a combined 15 damage per round with an extra double strike from GRUND.
    • My team had 11 melee damage and 5 magic damage, making them a combined 16 per round.
    • Both of us had similar fire power. This should be intereseting.


    • Round 1 was a lame one for me. Their Behemoth killed my Ever Hungry Skull with one magic attack. So it became 5 vs 6 from the start, a massive lost for me.
    • Luckily I could kill their Unicorn Mustang this round, so I could put our position on par again.


    • Round 3 started with equally 5 vs 5. However in this turn, I managed to put down 2 of their units while my side only losing Cursed Windeku.


    • Round 4 I started to enlarge the gap. The giant killer from my Djinn Muirat made a huge impact, killing all their big units in one hit.


    • Round 5 was the last round, Good Game dude


    What made our flow change so drastically? well the first answer was the giant killer ability


    as you could see above, one hit 6 damage... thats too big for any units. None could withstand that damage for 2 rounds. This was the reason why they started to fumble after their Unicorn Mustang got killed.


    The second reason is this Harklaw on my team. Harklaw was damn too sturdy, he could withstand all those melee attacks for 3 rounds. of course The Bear helped him with his halving ability.

    so the conclusion is simple, we must have strong tanks, either in front or for backline... Its ok to go for both type of the tank, Melee and Magic, unless you are very sure your opponent won't use one of them, just focus on one type.

    Ok that's for my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secret post and have fun playing Splinterlands


    Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

    • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
    • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
    • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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