Saturday Savers Club | Week 20 | Saturday 18 May 2024 | What is the simplest way to buy HBD? | Two HBD giveaways in one!

in voilk •  2 months ago


    This very much younger than mine Puma was parked almost opposite mine in the motorway service station at the weekend. It's in great nick, too. You don't often see them these days.

    Weekly Savings Round-Up

    What is the simplest way to buy HBD?

    I'm sitting here with liquid HIVE wanting to add HBD to my savings wallet. I want to add a bit each month. What are the best routes to exchange HIVE for HBD? Which is the simplest, most cost effective way? HBD giveaway for good ideas in the comments.

    HiveFest 10-15 September 2024 Split, Croatia

    I'd love to book my flights for this but I need a few more crucial bits of information so I can put together my budget: HiveFest hotel, HiveFest ticket.

    From the UK Split is about a two and half hour flight, depending which part of the country you're flying from.

    @eds-vote is rocking it

    Sitting at over 300,000 HP, the eds-vote account is doing its job of distributing EDS tokens beautifully. What an amazing model!

    Another week of growth as we now have over 300k HP being delegated in. I thought things were going to slow down but it seems our growth per week is staying around the 5k park per week. Been just over a year old, i'd say we're smashing it, even with SPI's 100k delegation, we're still over 200k HP. (Source)

    The EDS income model costs the operator @spinvest each week and was projected to do that for a good few years before the @eddie-earner wallet reached the size where the costs were reduced to zero and everything was only ever income.

    With @eds-vote the time it will take to reach that tipping point is getting shorter and closer, possibly within the year. That would be a great use of the massive delegation from @spinvest (100,000HP). The delegation became available through @spinvest selling BTC when there was a ratio of 202,000 HIVE to 1 BTC. This is a short-term measure, probably until November-December this year when the delegation will be withdrawn and powered down to sell when HIVE starts to hit the peaks. I think we are going for $2 this time around.

    The whole thing is a series of flips when "the price is right"! (Does anyone remember that Saturday night game show)? So we went from BTC to HIVE, somewhere there will be an HBD to HIVE flip or vice versa, HIVE to FIAT, then the whole process will reverse as the prices drop, picking up HIVE again, then going for BTC when the HIVE:BTC ratio is somewhere around 30,000 HIVE to 1 BTC. I think we are aiming to buy 2 BTC in the next round. So interesting! Check the weekly Sunday report on the @spinvest account.


    Savings Goals

    Let's see how we're doing:

    AssetGoalStartLast WeekTodayProgress
    Hive Power115,000100,400106,085106,20992%

    2024 Savings Goals


    • EDS, EDS-VOTE, EDSD - Everything going well here, massive increase in delegations to @eds-vote, lots from Saturday Savers which is fabulous to see. We've also set up a curation trail for eds-vote which supports Savers so a nice circular economy. I'm buying EDSD with my earnings from my side-hustle and posting. (More about side-hustles).

    EDS eco-system breakdown and model
    EDS Income Token | Fixed and Variable Savings Plans
    EDS Dollar (EDSD) Release Post

    • Blogging - hahahahaha 😍

    • Saturday Savers Club - 2024 Launch and FAQs. Fifty-five registered savers now. Anyone can join at any time by commenting with their goals on the weekly post on the @eddie-earner account (also follow @eddie-earner for news about EDS). Our first subscription savings plan is on point too!

    • HSBI - HIVE basic income - I'm growing these through sponsoring HPUD and other challenge posts over on Saturday Savers Club. It'll have a nice boost this week.


    What's New

    Last week was busy, this week was busier. I'm looking after a third area of work at my main gig for a couple of months (and, obviously, I have a side gig 😁). It's interesting because I'm helping to co-ordinate frontline delivery and it is a long-time since I've done that. We're trying to recruit, not easy in London in these times. Many people left the City through the combination of Brexit and the pandemic, mostly working age professionals. We have an advert in the national press but very little interest so far. I've also been prospecting in my networks, I think we may have more success there.

    Over the weekend, I'll be getting the Saturday Savers Club workshop and handout ready for the Conference workshop I'll be doing about Hive on 7 June in Manchester.

    • What do you wish you had known or understood about Hive before you started?
    • What's been your biggest learning since opening your account?
    • What advice would you give to someone starting out?

    More HBD giveaways for good ideas in the comments!

    Have a good week everyone!


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