This is Fine Friday 4/12

in voilk •  3 months ago

    This is Fine Friday - AI meme madness

    We attempt to reproduce a meme using AI, sometimes successfully, and sometimes... not so much. Image generated by Dezgo. Text captions generated by Google AI Studio.

    AI generated meme

    A young girl skips happily down a street lined with burning houses, seemingly unconcerned by the destruction and chaos around her. She is wearing a black coat and boots, and her hair is blowing in the wind. The girl's expression is one of pure joy, as if she is enjoying a carefree walk in the park. The juxtaposition of the girl's innocence and the violence of the scene creates a sense of unease and mystery, leaving the viewer wondering what has happened and what will happen next.

    Original meme
    original meme

    A young girl named Alice is playing outside when she sees a fire start in her neighbor's house. She runs over to the house and knocks on the door, but no one answers. She looks around and sees that the fire is spreading quickly. She knows that she has to do something, so she runs to the fire station and tells the firefighters what is happening. The firefighters come to the house and put out the fire, but the house is badly damaged. Alice is sad to see that her neighbor's house is damaged, but she is glad that she was able to help.

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